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SourceCode Graph program Graph Recognize

Graph Recognize List Page 44

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[Graph RecognizeCNN for Image Retrieval Using MatConvNet.tar

Description: Code for image retrieval using MatConvNet (a popularDeep Learning framework)
Platform: | Size: 3349504 | Author: 不屈的意志 | Hits:

[Graph Recognizemnist.pkl

Description: This is MNIST data set
Platform: | Size: 16167936 | Author: GeorgeCN | Hits:

[Graph Recognizekeras-master

Description: Keras neural network framework for source code
Platform: | Size: 510976 | Author: tongssss | Hits:

[Graph RecognizeTess4J

Description: Processing text recognition, to meet the text recognition, but now some Chinese recognition is not so precise.
Platform: | Size: 66322432 | Author: yyf007 | Hits:

[Graph Recognizeann数字识别

Description: First, train a set of words and then identify them
Platform: | Size: 12136448 | Author: 小腾腾腾腾 | Hits:

[Graph RecognizeCharacter_Recognition

Description: This procedure mainly refers to the paper, "OpenCV based offline handwritten character recognition technology" to achieve the recognition of handwritten Arabia digital work. The recognition work is divided into three maj
Platform: | Size: 23580672 | Author: Kas_Zhao | Hits:

[Graph Recognizedigitize2

Description: this can distinguish the number value of the figure
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: 板栗君 | Hits:

[Graph Recognize颜色识别

Description: Recognize the color and identify the center of mass
Platform: | Size: 22130688 | Author: 掐指一算 | Hits:

[Graph RecognizejTessBoxEditor-1.6

Description: tesseract-ocr-setup-3.02.02.zip
Platform: | Size: 37956608 | Author: 树新风 | Hits:

[Graph Recognize上海理工大学+US!+基于微信的图像识别系统

Description: A deep learning in WeChat use of the image recognition program, using keras development, the document contains the training set, Download methods.
Platform: | Size: 97424384 | Author: resnick | Hits:

[Graph Recognizematlab编写FaceRecognitionDetection

Description: Face Recogntion it is very good.
Platform: | Size: 845824 | Author: Nirax | Hits:

[Graph Recognizetesseract-master

Description: google open source regc
Platform: | Size: 4056064 | Author: xxs1984 | Hits:
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