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DC motor position control, the front panel set the motor pointer position, run the program, the motor can be rotated according to the preset value.
Update : 2025-03-06 Size : 80kb Publisher : wwjj

Modify the VMP position can be quickly packed using this program!
Update : 2025-03-06 Size : 1kb Publisher : lovemeir

To coordinate project updates with FreeFileSync
Update : 2025-03-06 Size : 2kb Publisher : lovemeir

Using the method of forwarding to intercept the program startup command line, the specific method to see the code
Update : 2025-03-06 Size : 1kb Publisher : lovemeir

Call the interface to achieve free landing, QQ anti obsessed query
Update : 2025-03-06 Size : 1kb Publisher : lovemeir

My program can choose channel withsome blank arrays,it is for Communication with others
Update : 2025-03-06 Size : 14kb Publisher : 大有长

Skeletons and solutions for hands-on CUDA codes, they are listed as the followings: cudaMallocAndMemcpy myFirstKernel reverseArray_singleblock reverseArray_multiblock reverseArray_multiblock_fast
Update : 2025-03-06 Size : 2.32mb Publisher : p-yang

This is a APP music spell carpool software Android APP, the APP for the complete development of the JAVA, due to the limited upload size and speed reasons so just upload some code, need can send mail
Update : 2025-03-06 Size : 10.19mb Publisher : 雄杰

Copy between host and device -- start with the cudaMallocAndMemcpy template. The first part allocates memory for the indexes d_a and d_b on the device. The second part: copy the h_a on the host to the d_a on the device.
Update : 2025-03-06 Size : 6kb Publisher : p-yang

Start the kernel -- start with the myFirstKernel template. Part1: use pointer d_a to allocate device memory for the results of the kernel. Part2: use the 1-D 1-D grid to configure and start the kernel Thread block. Part3
Update : 2025-03-06 Size : 6kb Publisher : p-yang

Reverse array (single block) - the input array {a0, A1,..., an-1} in the given pointer d_a, the reverse array {an-1, An-2,..., a0}, stored in the pointer d_b A: starts with the "reverseArray_singleblock" template B: has
Update : 2025-03-06 Size : 6kb Publisher : p-yang

Reverse array (multiblock): Given the pointer d_a in the input array {a0, A1,..., an-1}, the reverse array {an-1, An-2,..., a0} stored in the pointer d_b A: starts with the "reverseArray_multiblock" template B: more than
Update : 2025-03-06 Size : 6kb Publisher : p-yang
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