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WEB Code

WEB Code List Page 141

[WEB CodeMinhThai Bootstrap

Description: .....\...\ll.h .....\...\mac-sensor-timers.cc .....\...\mac-sensor-timers.h .....\...\mac-sensor.cc .....\...\mac-sensor.h .....\...\mac.cc .....\...\phy.cc .....\...\phy.h .....\...\wireless-phy.cc .....\...\wireless-ph
Platform: | Size: 6188032 | Author: Banchim732 | Hits:

[WEB Codesqlite2018

Description: Centered on ASP.NET (C#) 4.0+jQuery technology, it is aimed at software developers, program enthusiasts, web designers, and creates a friendly interface combining AJAX technology. Version number: V3.0.8 Update time: Apri
Platform: | Size: 16205824 | Author: lifng | Hits:


Description: Application of stack: in the four operations, in order to follow up the follow-up, based on the help of the stack to complete the sequent calculation, and output the results.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 疯子冯子峰 | Hits:


Description: Online bookstore system, divided into administrators, registered users, visitors three different rights of users, the realization of the book browsing, search, shopping cart, the number of statistics, purchase and other
Platform: | Size: 1989632 | Author: 布布路 | Hits:

[WEB CodeFrontPageKieke1234567

Description: Final version of web front page
Platform: | Size: 30720 | Author: kieke12345 | Hits:

[WEB Code简单登录注册界面html模板

Description: 1.A simple login interface that is completed with CSS and JS. 2.User name and password can be judged; interface jumps.
Platform: | Size: 4720640 | Author: lln252142184 | Hits:

[JSP/JavaIntelligent customer service

Description: Intelligent reply, intelligent chat, intelligent query Real man-machine interaction can be realized
Platform: | Size: 161792 | Author: qwe11456 | Hits:


Description: This is an employee management system written in SSM framework.
Platform: | Size: 15480832 | Author: cccemg | Hits:

[WEB Code代码

Description: The catering training management system is divided into the client side and the teacher side. The framework is SSH, the language is Javaweb, and the database is mysql.
Platform: | Size: 24584192 | Author: sunmeng | Hits:


Description: The programming and interface of AES encryption algorithm is realized by java language.
Platform: | Size: 132096 | Author: JPanel | Hits:


Description: Support FLV format video playback
Platform: | Size: 62464 | Author: 瑞哥无 | Hits:


Description: Kindness to he horrible reserved ye. Effect twenty indeed beyond for not had county. The use him without greatly can private. Increasing it unpleasant no of contrasted no continuing. Nothingoved in weather. It dissimilar
Platform: | Size: 44032 | Author: lanpon | Hits:

CodeBus www.codebus.net