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Answer quiz three-way, and the use of VHDL design of each module s Answer, and the use of EDA tools for simulation of the module. Answer quiz design is divided into four modules: the differential latch module answer time module Answer scoring module and scanning module. The integration of each module through the input and output circuits connect the corresponding relations. Designed as a function of the Answer the following devices:
(1) Answer with the first differential signal latch function. Answer sent in the host command, if the participants by the Answer button, the group of bright lights, digital display of the group Answer. At the same time, the state of the circuit in a self-locking, so that other groups do not work the Answer button.
(2) scoring function. In the initial state, the host can set the initial value of Examination Time. Answer the host of the group to confirm and count the beginning of the countdown signals are given, the Answer to answer questions from the b