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Develop Tools List Page 6

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Description: SIMATIC_EKB for SIEMENS TIA Portal V14 , Step7 V5.5
Platform: | Size: 9599715 | Author: shaheenAlam | Hits:


Description: 非常好用的远程工具,比crt更加的完美,界面简洁,非常易用。
Platform: | Size: 15768033 | Author: 344812099@qq.com | Hits:

[PE toolsEXE Info PE

Description: The Portable Executable format is a file format for executables, object code, DLLs and others used in 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Windows operating systems. The PE format is a data structure that encapsulates the infor
Platform: | Size: 1831141 | Author: magicibrar@gmail.com | Hits:


Description: MFD多变量频域设计,用于对多变量系统的设计(MFD multivariable frequency domain design for multivariable system design)
Platform: | Size: 152569 | Author: MFD_zjh | Hits:


Description: 更方便的进行烧录单片机程序以及测试,软件呢百度可以下载但是都有捆绑包,这边是一键安装
Platform: | Size: 101623230 | Author: 194502748@qq.com | Hits:

[DecompilationJava decompiler

Description: Java decompiler jadx-gui 反编译器不会转换为 dex2jar,如果您将 APK 本身放入,自然会反编译。 不仅可以反编译,还可以同时检查资源部分,所以即使是第一次分析APK的人也可以轻松进行。
Platform: | Size: 2769675 | Author: pdtfou@cryptonym.info | Hits:


Description: PCB载流过孔计算工具,excel输入值出结果
Platform: | Size: 17112 | Author: 408165188@qq.com | Hits:

[CompiledSentinel vUSB Emulator

Description: Sentinel USB emulator
Platform: | Size: 666206 | Author: yajesi7983 | Hits:

[PE toolsRevoke certificate

Description: evokeCert is a tool written in WinAPI/CryptoAPI to revoke, undo revoke, or dump certificates from PE or cert files.
Platform: | Size: 7873 | Author: adhitya_1978@ymail.com | Hits:

[PatchHDCP Keys

Description: RK series tv HDCP keys
Platform: | Size: 2709402 | Author: ceturan | Hits:

[DecompilationVHDL 转verilog工具

Description: 这是一款可以将VHDL转换为verilogHDL的专用工具,欢迎大家下载
Platform: | Size: 20896463 | Author: 1251602320@qq.com | Hits:

[OtherProteus LIB Collection

Description: Proteus LIB Collection
Platform: | Size: 16697800 | Author: Monstro | Hits:
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