Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
To solve t he low data t ransmission rate problem in t he conventional single car rier mod2
ulation met hod for logging cable and enhance t he data t ransmission rate , a new data t ransmission
system with high data t ransmission rate for logging cable is propo sed , which is based on t he Or2
t hogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) technology. The working principle of OFDM
modem and t he procedure of data t ransmission system are al so presented and lot s of test s are car2
ried out on logging cables with different lengt hs. It is verified that t he data t ransmission rate can
reach 900 kbit/s on 7 000 meter s logging cable wit h bit er ror rate (BER) lower t han 5E28 , and
t he maximum data t ransmission rate is 1. 1 Mbit/s under Mode2II of t he t ransformer .