Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
This file contains the information about running the C# version of the application. You must have the following Software installed on your machine in order to run this application.
1. Microsoft Visual Studio .NET Beta 2
2. Microsoft XML Parser 3.0
3. DirectX SDK 8.0*
4. Windows Media Encoder SDK 7.1*
5. Windows Media Player 7.0 or higher*
6. Windows 2000 Professional with IIS 5.0
7. SQL Server 2000
Setting up your Computer for Web server
1. You will need setup a website on your computer using IIS
2. Copy all the files present in the "SEREVER" folder of this CD-ROM to the web site path that you had set up.
3. Check your site by running any of the asp (even if the asp returns some error information, that means your site has been set up properly)
4. We are using "developers" as the computername, You will need to change the name of your computer or will have to change the asp s according to your computername.
Setting up the SQL Server database
1. Make a databa