Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
ReSharper is a Microsoft Visual Studio. NET 2005 or 2008 plug-ins, providing intelligent C# coding assistance features and real-time error display function, and support for reconstruction. ReSharper for C# developers can effectively improve the productivity of many of the features that have been tens of thousands of Java programmers to use IntelliJ IDEA used
ReSharper is for Microsoft Visual Studio. NET 2005 or 2008 of this popular development platform for plug-ins available, is to provide popular C# code in intelligence to help high-brightness displays real-time error correction and re-parameterized functions. ReSharper for C# developers to provide many powerful productivity-enhancing capabilities, the world s tens of thousands of Java developers are increasingly relying on the intelligence technology. ReSharper for C# developers with a number of powerful features, greatly improved development efficiency.
Program features:
1. Syntax er