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[Software EngineeringNASA CEA

Description: NASA CEA, user manual part 1. Algorithm description.
Platform: | Size: 2697789 | Author: nithogene26353 | Hits:

[Software EngineeringApuntes-Calculo UdeC

Description: Varios apuntes de calculo diferencial de la Universidad e Concepcion
Platform: | Size: 2057572 | Author: donosocn | Hits:

[Software EngineeringSC14480A5M, SC14480A2M6 1.8V Single Chip for DECT

Description: General Description The SC14480A5M, SC14480A2M6 are family members of digital CMOS ICs with fully integrated radio transceivers and baseband processors for DECT & DECT 6.0 CAT-iQ handsets and basestations. The SC14480A5M
Platform: | Size: 3697255 | Author: Andy2248 | Hits:

[Software Engineeringinput file from dream 3D

Description: this m.file code helps the user to make an input model for Abaqus CAE from Dream3d software files
Platform: | Size: 3598 | Author: Alihz67 | Hits:

[Software EngineeringFBD

Description: FBD Editor Help and tutorial.
Platform: | Size: 1018366 | Author: fences | Hits:

[OtherAT91RM9200 MCU board SCH

Description: Schematic of AT91RM9200 MCU board
Platform: | Size: 467362 | Author: nicomp1118 | Hits:


Description: 自己保存的IBM3650服务器资料,需要的话自取
Platform: | Size: 34938683 | Author: kjkkldj******** | Hits:

[Software EngineeringC CheatSheet

Description: Language C CheatSheet
Platform: | Size: 45807 | Author: registo | Hits:


Description: epson opos.net install document
Platform: | Size: 899107 | Author: hccge***** | Hits:

[Report papersExploring the Possibilities of Life Beyond Earth

Description: The quest to understand whether life exists beyond Earth has been one of humanity's most profound and enduring pursuits. Our planet, teeming with diverse forms of life, raises the tantalizing possibility that similar con
Platform: | Size: 478208 | Author: akkamin@gmail.com | Hits:

[Human ResourcesThe Peace Symbol: A Universal Emblem of Harmony

Description: In a world often marked by conflict and division, the peace symbol stands as a timeless icon of hope and unity. Created in the mid-20th century, this simple yet powerful design has transcended cultural and geographical b
Platform: | Size: 547328 | Author: akkamin@gmail.com | Hits:

[Otherdesign guidelines for various structures

Description: design guidelines for chimney, bunkers, silos
Platform: | Size: 8899532 | Author: akkamin@gmail.com | Hits:
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