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Description: 题库练习:PC,手机同步练习,学员退出后自动保存做题进度,下一次登录可以媒续管题,重换设备后也可以同先练习进度 千题秒开:通过算法优化,对试题加载进行优化处理,可以达到一次加载3000题秒开的流畅体验. 章节练习:可以按知识点划分章节,如:专业知识,基础知识,学员可以技章节知识点进行练习,也可以跟视频所在的章节进行关联,学员看完视频后进入试题训练,强化学习 背题模式:学员可以自由切换练习模式和背题模式,在背题模式下,学员可以直接查看答案
Platform: | Size: 13729 | Author: NNweisha | Hits:

[Report papersred Hostpot

Description: How create a red hostpot
Platform: | Size: 1043456 | Author: jhonatanjk936@gmail.com | Hits:

[Program doc【M3007】无刷电机原理图 例程代码

Description: 【M3007】无刷电机原理图例程代码,有原理图,程序等,非常好的资料。
Platform: | Size: 2258455 | Author: 12345***** | Hits:

[Program docPLC symboles

Description: Explanation of symbols PLC
Platform: | Size: 38009 | Author: Legijabig@gmail.com | Hits:

[Software EngineeringMSM7200-MSM7200A-MSM6280-MSM6260-MSM6255A-MSM6245 RF NV Items

Description: This application note describes the format and use of select RF NV items for the MSM6280/MSM6260/MSM6245/MSM6255A/MSM7200 devices.
Platform: | Size: 2332372 | Author: gibnik | Hits:

[Software EngineeringRTR6285TM RF Transceiver IC Device Specification

Description: This document is part of a set of documents that describes the QUALCOMM RTR6285 RFIC and how best to use it. The RTR6285 device supports quadband UMTS (bands 1 through 6 and bands 8 through 9), quadband GSM/EDGE, GPS, an
Platform: | Size: 846114 | Author: gibnik | Hits:

[Software EngineeringAT Command Set in AMSS

Description: This document specifies the AT command set for all Qualcomm Universal Mobile Telecommunications Systems (UMTS) chipsets. It groups AT commands into several categories. Each category identifies all AT commands applicable
Platform: | Size: 473742 | Author: gibnik | Hits:

[Software EngineeringLTE IoT SDK Product Kit Access

Description: High Level “MDM920x ThreadX Cellular IoT SDK” Product Kit Access Steps
Platform: | Size: 823545 | Author: gibnik | Hits:

[Software EngineeringBREWTM 2.1 OEM API Reference

Description: This document provides manufacturers with information about the Binary Runtime Environment for Wireless (BREW) OEM functions. With these functions, OEM devices become BREW-enabled.
Platform: | Size: 2685972 | Author: gibnik | Hits:

[OtherJava Data Type - Beginners - 1

Description: Introduction Java provides some predefined data types, which are known as built-in data types. Java also let us define our own data types, which are known as user-defined data types. A data type that consists of an indiv
Platform: | Size: 101935 | Author: amitkk5111@gmail.com | Hits:


Description: Introduction Java provides some predefined data types, which are known as built-in data types. Java also let us define our own data types, which are known as user-defined data types. A data type that consists of an indiv
Platform: | Size: 303699 | Author: amitkk5111@gmail.com | Hits:

[Other37 in 1 Sensors Kit for Arduino

Description: 37 in 1 Sensors Kit for Arduino
Platform: | Size: 39078073 | Author: bartha.tibor | Hits:
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