In almost all analyzes of the least mean-square (LMS) finite impulse response (FIR) adaptive algorithm, it is assumed that the length of the adaptive filter is equal to that of the unknown system impulse response. Howeve Update : 2025-02-26
Size : 225kb
Publisher : behrouz
DOS entry and introduction, PDF format, contains the some of the basic DOS commands, such as deleting files and the like. Update : 2025-02-26
Size : 482kb
Publisher : 罗文浩
1) modeled on the realization of the vertical scroll bar functions, so that the window has a horizontal scroll bar 2) to respond to the scroll bar message: SB_LINEUP, SB_LINELEFT, SB_LINEDOWN, SB_LINERIGHT, SB_PAGEUP, SB Update : 2025-02-26
Size : 20kb
Publisher : 刘浩