Introduce some basic knowledge of hyperspectral remote sensing, such as high spectral resolution bands, pixels, etc. Update : 2025-03-12
Size : 4.18mb
Publisher : 钟云
When discussing networks, different conceptual views can be used. One view is how the computers and networks are connected to one another and another view is a layered view of how the protocols operate on top of each oth Update : 2025-03-12
Size : 5.42mb
Publisher : Azar
PCD (Point Cloud Data) file format is used inside Point Cloud Library (PCL). The PCD file format is not meant to reinvent the wheel, but rather to complement existing file formats that for one reason or another did not/d Update : 2025-03-12
Size : 3.5mb
Publisher : koral
485 communication technology, a 485 communication treatment for common problems in communication,485technical personnel must look at the information Update : 2025-03-12
Size : 207kb
Publisher : 李先生
Histogram equalization is widely used for contrast enhancement in a variety of applications due to its simple function and effectiveness. Examples include medical image processing and radar signal process- ing. One drawb Update : 2025-03-12
Size : 1.74mb
Publisher : Fahad Najeeb
Describe in detail the similarities and differences between the two languages of C++ and Java, students with language-based entry-essential learning materials Update : 2025-03-12
Size : 12kb
Publisher : mokhong
C++ programming structure covering the entire contents of the structure, is important to learn the structure. Update : 2025-03-12
Size : 21kb
Publisher : 吴千立