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Books Photo software

Photo software List Page 1

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[Photo softwareOpenCV3编程入门

Description: 本书以当前最新版本的OpenCV最常用最核心的组件模块为索引,深入浅出地介绍了OpenCV2和OpenCV3中的强大功能、性能,以及新特性
Platform: | Size: 63670850 | Author: 215290109@qq.com | Hits:

[Photo softwareHALCON 深度学习语义分割标注工具 应用说明书

Description: HALCON 深度学习语义分割标注工具 应用说明书
Platform: | Size: 684138 | Author: forgetpwd8 | Hits:

[Photo softwareDigital Image Processing, 4th Edition

Description: Digital Image Processing is a completely self-contained book. However, the companion website offers additional support in a number of important areas.
Platform: | Size: 37861844 | Author: pnrelec@chmail.ir | Hits:

[Photo softwareVisual-Inertial SLAM Extrinsic Parameter Calibration Based on Bayesian Optimization

Description: 这是一篇关于VI-SLAM的优秀学位论文 VI-SLAM (Visual-Inertial Simultaneous Localization and Mapping) is a popular way for robotics navigation and tracking. With the help of sensor fusion from IMU and camera, VI-SLAM can give a more accu
Platform: | Size: 3178620 | Author: kcfucx | Hits:

[Photo software鸟哥的私房菜

Description: 鸟哥的私房菜,一本linux学习手册,内容全面,解释的也很详细,对新手非常友好
Platform: | Size: 12234146 | Author: weayer | Hits:

[Photo software图片取模软件

Description: 能将任何大小的静态图片通过取模软件将转成C语言执行的代码,并支持全彩。
Platform: | Size: 1727862 | Author: 3062662935 | Hits:

[Photo softwareLens design a practical guide (2017, CRC Press)

Description: Practical guide for lens design. Lens design is the technique to find the minimum of a nonlinear equation with tens to hundreds of variables and tens of restriction conditions. Mathematically, such an equation does not h
Platform: | Size: 9734410 | Author: kostser2002@gmail.com | Hits:

[Photo softwareSuperresolution Optical Microscopy

Description: Designed for both reference and teaching with clear mathematical and physical formulations of far-field optical microscopy techniques. Contains English translations of seminal papers that are historically and pedagogical
Platform: | Size: 18528767 | Author: nr1jack | Hits:

[Photo software佳能魔灯

Description: 魔灯固件属于第三方固件,通过修改RAM中的官方固件达到在不损坏机器的情况下增加原有官方固件限制或没有的功能,以此增添更多的拍摄乐趣和功能。只是一个外挂程序,并没有对机器固件做任何写操纵。
Platform: | Size: 1888587 | Author: chm128256@163.com | Hits:

[Photo softwareWallis Filter

Description: Envi Wallis filter manual
Platform: | Size: 868169 | Author: halsycan | Hits:

[Photo softwareopenGL超级宝典(第四版)及代码

Description: openGL超级宝典(第四版)及代码openGL超级宝典(第四版)及代码openGL超级宝典(第四版)及代码openGL超级宝典(第四版)及代码openGL超级宝典(第四版)及代码openGL超级宝典(第四版)及代码
Platform: | Size: 11852271 | Author: wwd**** | Hits:

[Photo softwareOpenGL函数与范例解析

Description: OpenGL函数与范例解析OpenGL函数与范例解析OpenGL函数与范例解析OpenGL函数与范例解析OpenGL函数与范例解析OpenGL函数与范例解析
Platform: | Size: 10252218 | Author: wwd**** | Hits:
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