Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
Given an N* N square grid, set the upper left corner as a starting point ◎, coordinates (1,1), X-axis to the right is positive, Y axis, is positive, each square side length of 1. Starting a car approached from the lower right corner of the end point ◎ ▲, its coordinates (N, N). In a number of grid intersection points, set the oil tanks, fuel for vehicles in a moving way. Vehicle in motion the process should follow the following rules:
(1) car can only travel along the grid edges, filled with oil can travel after the K edge of the grid. Starting when the car has been filled with oil, not in the starting and ending at the depot is located.
(2) when the vehicle is traveling through a mesh edge, if the X coordinate or Y coordinate decreases, then the fees payable B, or toll-free use.
(3) the process of moving car in case of fuel oil tanks should fill up and pay the cost of A.
(4) when needed at additional grid point depot, depot and pay the additional cost of C (excluding fuel costs A)