Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
Used for cad ence virtuoso environment of some of the skill code
CCStoggleLayerSel. Il LSW choose corresponding levels all graphics
Coord. Il get obj and output the coordinates of choice
DataBrowser. Il shows cellview all of the data
Doublesel. Il choice and the currently selected obj the same other obj
Objinfo. Il in the virtuoso interface display the mouse to click the choice obj information, such as W L, area, Layer, string name
Path_Length. Il calculation of the length of the path
PutOnGrid. Il modify lattice point is the problem that there might be a dislocation
SetCellLayerValid. Il LSW display the current cell used in all layers
ShowLayer. Il show the current use cell layer
Showlib. Il shows everyday
Sigwidth. Il get width and output
SpHiCreateMultiLabel. Il create multiple label F3
Symbolinfo. Il get symbol of info and output
Tap_Mpp. Il simple definition Guard_ring (use MultiPart Path)