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  • Update : 2008-10-13
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Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
Application of mpeg-2 compression coding technology MPEG is Moving pictures expert Group (Moving Picture Experts Group), its real name is the international organization for standardization (ISO) and international electrotechnical commission (IEC) joint technical committee (JTC) 1 29 points committee's working Group on the 11th, namely the ISO/IEC JTC1 / SC29 / WG11, was founded in 1988. Its mission is to set the world standard for audio-visual coding. Because, radio and television digital generated huge amounts of data storage capacity, transmission bandwidth and processing power and frequency spectrum resource utilization raised not practical requirement, make digital difficult to achieve. For this, the expert group based on frame image and the adjacent row space between adjacent pixel correlation and motion of the image time correlation between adjacent frames, the compression coding technology, will be the visual images of human eyes and to the human ear hearing sound less important things and redundant components, to reduce the amount of data storage, transmission and processing, improve the spectrum utilization, developed a series of MPEG standard, as shown in table 1 for digital is a reality. Among them, mpeg-2 is a set of international standards for audio compression coding and data flow formats. It defines the transmission protocol of decoding technology and data flow. There is no common standard between mpeg-2 decoder (mpeg-2 encoder). In this paper, mpeg-2, mpeg-2 coding and mpeg-2 are used to discuss the mpeg-2 compression coding technology.
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