Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
To imp rove the accuracy of boundary locat ions and region homogeneity as w ell as to reduce the er ro r
rate in texture image segmentat ion, a novel app roach based on w avelet2t ransfo rm and using feature w eigh t ing is
p ropo sed in th is paper . Th is new technique contains th ree consecut ive stages: feature ext ract ion, p re2segmentat ion
and po st2segmentat ion . In the feature ext ract ion stage, texture features are ext racted by using the pyram id2st ruc2
tured w avelet t ransfo rm. The o r iginal image is then segmented init ially using themeans cluster ing algo r ithm in the
p re2segmentat ion stage . A cco rding to the p re2segmentat ion results, the ext racted features are w eigh ted and the
p re2segmented image is fur ther p rocessed w ith a m inimum distance classif ier in the po st2segmentat ion stage to f i2
nally get the segmented image . A ll technical po ints are clear ly descr ibed and p resented in detail . Some segmenta2