Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
* first open client.cpp and search for that USER_MSG_INTERCEPT(TeamInfo)
over it u add this
me.iHealth = READ_BYTE()
return USER_MSG_CALL(Health)
* then we search for int HookUserMsg (char*szMsgName, pfnUserMsgHook pfn)
and add this
*k now we have the health registered and can read it out i stop this hear know cuz i must thanks panzer and that they helped me with it first time!
*ok now we go to int HUD_Redraw (float x, int y) and packing this draw code in it
Packet : 29782170hack.rar filelist
hack make\automove.txt
hack make\vec switch.txt
hack make\hookmake.txt
hack make\teach.txt
hack make\start say.txt
hack make\mib bug.txt
hack make\saySTATS.TXT
hack make\openLG.txt
hack make\cfg set.txt
hack make\cross.txt
hack make\Health.txt
hack make\hud_stats.txt
hack make\addav3.txt
hack make\Perfect ogl flashhack.txt
hack make\less freeze.txt
hack make\using bitmap fonts.txt
hack make\Alive List.txt
hack make\hudhitinfo.txt
hack make\CS Reload-O-Meter.txt
hack make\Pointer Based menu.txt
hack make\Adding Jump vec.txt
hack make\Auto change weapon.txt
hack make\borders .txt
hack make\autowall 3.txt
hack make\AUTOWALL 2.TXT
hack make\Autowall.txt.txt
hack make\Speed Bar.txt
hack make\PERFECTWALL.txt
hack make\leet wallhack.txt
hack make\write switch.txt
hack make\Menu (ltfx4.7 Look).txt
hack make\Private messaging Tutorial.txt
hack make\New Console look code.txt
hack make\Ltfxguy Doublewall Tutorial.txt
hack make\Update check Code.txt
hack make\AimVec Creator Tutorial .txt
hack make\nospread.txt
hack make\Weapon, Ammo, Money, Armor and Hp Hud.txt
hack make\frozen vec.txt
hack make\spread tweak.txt
hack make\Araz's LEET menu.txt
hack make\leeb menu.txt
hack make\Adding Retart menu .txt
hack make\Secksi addons to make to Retart menu.txt
hack make\autoduck+jump.txt
hack make\speed&ping.txt
hack make\rushjump.txt
hack make\Sequence ESP .txt
hack make\scout nospread.txt
hack make