Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
is my conversion program for the BISON-2 land seismic recording
apparatur. I appended most of the specification below. The other half rests
as comments in the program (it is not really much).
I tried to be think of all the headers, but I wasn t sure of some of them.
I hate to convert a normal date to julian days, so no date, time etc.
The extended headers mentioned in the specs are also not covered frankly
I don t understand it. I hope the code is clear, it is not dificult.
Here are some remarks:
In order to read the characters in the headers I overwrite the carriage return
with a \0 in the character constants (had nothing better).
The trace struct is a combination from a union of 2-byte shorts with 4-byte
longs and the data field, it s the way we did it in the FORTRAN times.
In the original data there are 538 bytes of header data followed by channel
* 48 bytes channel header data. After that there are two bytes, and after
that all the data follows.
I appended the swa