Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
C# Basics twenty-five ask a Static members and non-static member difference? 2.const and static readonly difference? 3.extern What does it mean? 4.abstract What does it mean? 5.internal modifiers what role? 6.sealed modifier is doing? 7.override and overload the difference? 8 What is indexer? modifier is what role? 10.this keyword meaning? 11 You can use the abstract base class function overrides the virtual function do? 12 sealed class can have a virtual function? 13 What is the property accessor? 14.abstract can be used in conjunction with virtual do? You can use it together and override? 15 The interface can contain what members? 16 the difference between classes and structures? 17 interface, which will bring the problem of multiple inheritance? 18 the difference between abstract classes and interfaces? 19. Alias indicator is it? 20 How to manually release resources? 21.P/Invoke What? 22.StringBuilder and String difference? 23.explicit and implicit meanings? 24.p