Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
MadKit is a modular and scalable multiagent platform written in Java and built upon the AGR (Agent/Group/Role) organizational model: agents are situated in groups and play roles. MadKit allows high heterogeneity in agent architectures and communication languages, and various customizations.
MadKit communication is based on a peer to peer mechanism, and allows developpers to quickly develop distributed applications using multiagent principles.
Agents in MadKit may be programmed in Java, Scheme (Kawa), Jess (rule based engine) or BeanShell. Other script language may be easily added.
MadKit comes with a full set of facilities and agents for launching, displaying, developping and monitoring agents and organisations.
MadKit is a free software based on the GPL/LGPL license. LGPL for the kernel and communication tools, GPL for the development tools (editors, GroupObserver, viewers, etc…)