Filename | Size | Update |
LEZIONE5\Check the correctness of the data using code\main.c |
........\.............................written data using the debugger\main.c |
........\.reate a 100byte char buffer in FLASH and use the DMA to transfer it to SRAM memory\main.c |
........\Rewrite the example code not using the DMA to perform the data transfer\main.c |
........\Risposte domande DMA.txt |
.......6\USART\Exercise 1\main.c |
........\.....\.........2\main.c |
........\.....\.........3\main.c |
........\.....\.........4\main.c |
.......7\Bluetooth\Configure the Bluetooth\main.c |
........\.........\Send and Receive data\main.c |
........\WiFi\Perform a POST request with your name and the variable that will be assigned\main.c |
.......8\misurare temperatura con ADC.docx |
........\Nuova cartella\main.c |
........\Write a program to monitor the temperature for 10 min with a sampling time of 30 sec | \main.c |
........\...................turn on a LED if the temperature is above a certain threshold and turn off\main.c |
FinalProject\main.c |
LEZIONE 2\General Purpose IO\Make the LEDs alternately blink\main.c |
.........\..................\..............blink together\main.c |
.........\..................\Turn ON both the LEDs\main.c |
.........\..................\........the BLUE LED\main.c |
.........\Risposte alle domande sul SysTick.txt |
.........\SysTick\Make the LEDs alternately blink using the SysTick\main.c |
.........\.......\................................with a frequency lower than 1Hz\main.c |
.........\.......\..............blink using the SysTick\main.c |
.........\.......\..............that blik at diferrent frequency\main.c |
........3\EXTI\Risposte alle domande sul EXTI.txt |
.........\....\Write a code to avoid bouncing\main.c |
.........\....\......................debouncing that uses the systick as a debounce timer\main.c |
.........\....\................detect interrupt on PC6 | and test connecting the pin to GND\main.c |
.........\....\................toggle the status of the LED\main.c |
.........\....\........program in which the button starts and stops the blinking of the led\main.c |
.........\....\ modify the frequency of LED blinking by pressing the button\main.c |
.........\....\...................recognize double click on the button to turn ON the LED\main.c |
.........\EXTI.rar |
.........\FLASH\Check the correctness of the data using code\main.c |
.........\.....\.............................written data using the debugger\main.c |
.........\.....\Modify the code to write in FLASH the half-word 0xBEEF and check the correctness of the\main.c |
.........\.....\Risposte alle domande sulla FLASH.txt |
.........\.....\Write a program to store in flash memory the number of times a button is pressed in a unit\main.c.txt |
.......4\Generate a 500Hz square wave in output from TIM2_CH1 pin\main.c |
........\...........PWM signal @ 25KHz duty cycle 10%\main.c |
........\Make a LED blinking at 2Hz | the other one at 3Hz\main.c |
........\.odify the blinking frequency to 2Hz | 5Hz | 0.5Hz | 0.1Hz\main.c |
........\Risposte alle domande sul TIMER.txt |
........\Use the button to modify the blinking frequency of the LEDs\main.c |
.......6\USART\Exercise 1 |
........\.....\Exercise 2 |
........\.....\Exercise 3 |
........\.....\Exercise 4 |
.......7\Bluetooth\Configure the Bluetooth |
........\.........\Send and Receive data |
........\WiFi\Perform a POST request with your name and the variable that will be assigned |
....... 2\General Purpose IO\Make the LEDs alternately blink |
.........\..................\Make the LEDs blink together |
.........\..................\Turn ON both the LEDs |
.........\..................\Turn ON the BLUE LED |
.........\SysTick\Make the LEDs alternately blink using the SysTick |
.........\.......\Make the LEDs alternately blink with a frequency lower than 1Hz |
.........\.......\Make the LEDs blink using the SysTick |
.........\.......\Make the LEDs that blik at diferrent frequency |
........3\EXTI\Write a code to avoid bouncing |
.........\....\Write a code to avoid debouncing that uses the systick as a debounce timer |
.........\....\Write a code to detect interrupt on PC6 | and test connecting the pin to GN |