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  • Update : 2014-08-31
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for msp430 you can do something with your board
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LEZIONE5\Check the correctness of the data using code\main.c
........\.............................written data using the debugger\main.c
........\.reate a 100byte char buffer in FLASH and use the DMA to transfer it to SRAM memory\main.c
........\Rewrite the example code not using the DMA to perform the data transfer\main.c
........\Risposte domande DMA.txt
.......6\USART\Exercise 1\main.c
.......7\Bluetooth\Configure the Bluetooth\main.c
........\.........\Send and Receive data\main.c
........\WiFi\Perform a POST request with your name and the variable that will be assigned\main.c
.......8\misurare temperatura con ADC.docx
........\Nuova cartella\main.c
........\Write a program to monitor the temperature for 10 min with a sampling time of 30 sec\main.c
........\...................turn on a LED if the temperature is above a certain threshold and turn off\main.c
LEZIONE 2\General Purpose IO\Make the LEDs alternately blink\main.c
.........\..................\..............blink together\main.c
.........\..................\Turn ON both the LEDs\main.c
.........\..................\........the BLUE LED\main.c
.........\Risposte alle domande sul SysTick.txt
.........\SysTick\Make the LEDs alternately blink using the SysTick\main.c
.........\.......\................................with a frequency lower than 1Hz\main.c
.........\.......\..............blink using the SysTick\main.c
.........\.......\..............that blik at diferrent frequency\main.c
........3\EXTI\Risposte alle domande sul EXTI.txt
.........\....\Write a code to avoid bouncing\main.c
.........\....\......................debouncing that uses the systick as a debounce timer\main.c
.........\....\................detect interrupt on PC6 and test connecting the pin to GND\main.c
.........\....\................toggle the status of the LED\main.c
.........\....\........program in which the button starts and stops the blinking of the led\main.c
.........\....\ modify the frequency of LED blinking by pressing the button\main.c
.........\....\...................recognize double click on the button to turn ON the LED\main.c
.........\FLASH\Check the correctness of the data using code\main.c
.........\.....\.............................written data using the debugger\main.c
.........\.....\Modify the code to write in FLASH the half-word 0xBEEF and check the correctness of the\main.c
.........\.....\Risposte alle domande sulla FLASH.txt
.........\.....\Write a program to store in flash memory the number of times a button is pressed in a unit\main.c.txt
.......4\Generate a 500Hz square wave in output from TIM2_CH1 pin\main.c
........\...........PWM signal @ 25KHz duty cycle 10%\main.c
........\Make a LED blinking at 2Hz the other one at 3Hz\main.c
........\.odify the blinking frequency to 2Hz 5Hz 0.5Hz 0.1Hz\main.c
........\Risposte alle domande sul TIMER.txt
........\Use the button to modify the blinking frequency of the LEDs\main.c
.......6\USART\Exercise 1
........\.....\Exercise 2
........\.....\Exercise 3
........\.....\Exercise 4
.......7\Bluetooth\Configure the Bluetooth
........\.........\Send and Receive data
........\WiFi\Perform a POST request with your name and the variable that will be assigned
....... 2\General Purpose IO\Make the LEDs alternately blink
.........\..................\Make the LEDs blink together
.........\..................\Turn ON both the LEDs
.........\..................\Turn ON the BLUE LED
.........\SysTick\Make the LEDs alternately blink using the SysTick
.........\.......\Make the LEDs alternately blink with a frequency lower than 1Hz
.........\.......\Make the LEDs blink using the SysTick
.........\.......\Make the LEDs that blik at diferrent frequency
........3\EXTI\Write a code to avoid bouncing
.........\....\Write a code to avoid debouncing that uses the systick as a debounce timer
.........\....\Write a code to detect interrupt on PC6 and test connecting the pin to GN
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