Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
Ethernet communication between devices can be with another device through the serial port to communicate between.
Packet : 111186725232toethdemo.rar filelist
232ToEth Demo\StdAfx.h
232ToEth Demo\StdAfx.cpp
232ToEth Demo\Resource.h
232ToEth Demo\ReadMe.txt
232ToEth Demo\232ToEth DemoDlg.h
232ToEth Demo\232ToEth DemoDlg.cpp
232ToEth Demo\232ToEth Demo.rc
232ToEth Demo\232ToEth Demo.plg
232ToEth Demo\232ToEth Demo.ncb
232ToEth Demo\232ToEth Demo.h
232ToEth Demo\232ToEth Demo.dsw
232ToEth Demo\232ToEth Demo.dsp
232ToEth Demo\232ToEth Demo.cpp
232ToEth Demo\232ToEth Demo.clw
232ToEth Demo\232ToEth Demo.aps
232ToEth Demo\232ToEth Demo.opt
232ToEth Demo\res\232ToEth Demo.rc2
232ToEth Demo\res\232ToEth Demo.ico
232ToEth Demo\Demo程序使用说明\RS232转以太网Demo程序使用说明.doc
232ToEth Demo\res
232ToEth Demo\Release
232ToEth Demo\Demo程序使用说明
232ToEth Demo\Debug
232ToEth Demo