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  • Category : CSharp
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  • Update : 2016-06-18
  • Size : 59kb
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  • Author :Mahdi*****
  • About : Nobody
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Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
Introduction I have always believed that the best programmers are lazy programmers in the sense that they hate repetitious coding and want to find ways to automate and reduce the amount of code that must be produced. One area where this comes into practice is with fixed-value combo boxes that usually translate into values that need to be worked with in code. Most programmers end up coding various kinds of string lists and KeyValuePairs trying to make this work, and end up doing it over and over. The EnumFunctions module with the accompanying demo form is an attempt to automate this and to do so in a way that is language independent. By the way, the code and examples are provided in both VB.Net and C#. Background I usually try to write applications and products that are language and culture independent so that they can be translated to different countries and languages. This means that in practice, I do not store human-readable values (e.g. Strings) in the but instead rely on
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Enum Combo Boxes
................\Enum Combo Boxes
................\Enum Combo Boxes CSharp
................\.......................\Enum Combo Boxes CSharp.csproj
................\Enum Combo Boxes.sln
................\Enum Combo Boxes.sln.docstates.suo
................\Enum Combo Boxes.suo
................\................\Enum Combo Boxes VB.vbproj
................\................\Enum Combo Boxes VB.vbproj.user
................\................\My Project
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