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  • Update : 2017-11-16
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  • Author :sdas****
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Complete web game red moon legend, including all source code and tools, to the needs of the people to reference
Packet file list
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config\config.txt 391234 2016-09-29
config\gameBase\aaitems 9123039 2016-09-28
config\gameBase\AccessChannel 1516 2016-09-28
config\gameBase\achieve 39923 2016-09-28
config\gameBase\activity 25152 2016-09-28
config\gameBase\activityOpenLevel 16262 2016-09-28
config\gameBase\apotheosize 2255 2016-09-28
config\gameBase\AutoAI 9483 2016-09-28
config\gameBase\autoFightMap 1857 2016-09-28
config\gameBase\base.swf 1941026 2016-09-28
config\gameBase\baseUi.swf 7584 2016-09-28
config\gameBase\BaZheGroupAttr 1020 2016-09-28
config\gameBase\bestVip 2108 2016-09-28
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config\gameBase\config 391234 2016-09-28
config\gameBase\creature_staticspawns 74380 2016-09-28
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config\gameBase\factionSelfTech 26931 2016-09-28
config\gameBase\factionTechnology 443 2016-09-28
config\gameBase\feather 26909 2016-09-28
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config\gameBase\fruit 194371 2016-09-28
config\gameBase\fumo 4675 2016-09-28
config\gameBase\gem 23784 2016-09-28
config\gameBase\gift 454886 2016-09-28
config\gameBase\guildBoss 799 2016-09-28
config\gameBase\hecheng 435633 2016-09-28
config\gameBase\HeChengTab 9367 2016-09-28
config\gameBase\immortal 2825 2016-09-28
config\gameBase\interlevelupinfo 135195 2016-09-28
config\gameBase\investAward 691 2016-09-28
config\gameBase\itemGuide 2116 2016-09-28
config\gameBase\itemResource 565 2016-09-28
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config\gameBase\lianyao 18705 2016-09-28
config\gameBase\liveness 2685 2016-09-28
config\gameBase\loginReward 5616 2016-09-28
config\gameBase\longwang 35354 2016-09-28
config\gameBase\longwang_summon 141634 2016-09-28
config\gameBase\longwang_talent 1332 2016-09-28
config\gameBase\magic 2488 2016-09-28
config\gameBase\mail 12677 2016-09-28
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config\gameBase\mapeffect 149 2016-09-28
config\gameBase\mapMonster 36634 2016-09-28
config\gameBase\mental 7381 2016-09-28
config\gameBase\meterialFind 1728 2016-09-28
config\gameBase\newHandHelp 12343 2016-09-28
config\gameBase\notice 4401 2016-09-28
config\gameBase\official 5491 2016-09-28
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config\gameBase\resConfig_u 1312784 2016-09-28
config\gameBase\sevenPKWord 1805 2016-09-28
config\gameBase\skillRune 6313 2016-09-28
config\gameBase\soulitemsuitattr 841 2016-09-28
config\gameBase\strategy 4694 2016-09-28
config\gameBase\strengthen 153407 2016-09-28
config\gameBase\strengthstars 7247 2016-09-28
config\gameBase\super_skill 4449 2016-09-28
config\gameBase\task 15064 2016-09-28
config\gameBase\TaskGuide 796 2016-09-28
config\gameBase\title 14059 2016-09-28
config\gameBase\totalPeopleBoss 266 2016-09-28
config\gameBase\vipDesc 1980 2016-09-28
config\gameBase\vipPrize 2206 2016-09-28
config\gameBase\wing_skill 4141 2016-09-28
config\gameBase\worldmap_info 96608 2016-09-28
config\gameBase\worldmap_info_jump 30514 2016-09-28
config\map\1.dat 43152 2016-09-28
config\map\10.dat 13524 2016-09-28
config\map\100.dat 66554 2016-09-28
config\map\101.dat 66554 2016-09-28
config\map\102.dat 66554 2016-09-28
config\map\103.dat 66554 2016-09-28
config\map\104.dat 34297 2016-09-28
config\map\109.dat 8629 2016-09-28
config\map\11.dat 66554 2016-09-28
config\map\110.dat 33504 2016-09-28
config\map\111.dat 8752 2016-09-28
config\map\112.dat 5854 2016-09-28
config\map\113.dat 8752 2016-09-28
config\map\114.dat 8752 2016-09-28
config\map\115.dat 34297 2016-09-28
config\map\116.dat 34297 2016-09-28
config\map\117.dat 34297 2016-09-28
config\map\118.dat 8023 2016-09-28
config\map\119.dat 8023 2016-09-28
config\map\12.dat 83582 2016-09-28
config\map\120.dat 8023 2016-09-28
config\map\121.dat 42606 2016-09-28
config\map\122.dat 42606 2016-09-28
config\map\123.dat 42606 2016-09-28
config\map\124.dat 42606 2016-09-28
config\map\125.dat 42606 2016-09-28
config\map\126.dat 42606 2016-09-28
config\map\127.dat 42606 2016-09-28
config\map\128.dat 42606 2016-09-28
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