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  • Category : CSharp
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  • Update : 2017-11-24
  • Size : 1.26mb
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  • Author :mun***
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hotel management built by C#
Packet file list
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Source\BUS\BienLaiBus.cs 494 2008-12-26
Source\BUS\BUS.csproj 2476 2008-12-28
Source\BUS\GiaPhongBus.cs 1661 2009-01-01
Source\BUS\KhachHangBus.cs 4778 2008-12-25
Source\BUS\NhanVienBus.cs 4268 2008-12-28
Source\BUS\PhongBus.cs 1553 2008-12-25
Source\BUS\bin\Debug\BUS.dll 20480 2009-01-04
Source\BUS\bin\Debug\BUS.pdb 34304 2009-01-04
Source\BUS\bin\Debug\DAO.dll 32768 2009-01-04
Source\BUS\bin\Debug\DAO.pdb 46592 2009-01-04
Source\BUS\bin\Debug\DTO.dll 24576 2008-12-28
Source\BUS\bin\Debug\DTO.pdb 56832 2008-12-28
Source\BUS\Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs 1403 2008-12-12
Source\DAO\BienLaiDao.cs 2975 2009-01-04
Source\DAO\DAO.csproj 2890 2008-12-28
Source\DAO\DataProvider.cs 445 2008-12-12
Source\DAO\GiaPhongDao.cs 7013 2009-01-01
Source\DAO\KhachHangDao.cs 15939 2008-12-26
Source\DAO\NhanVienDao.cs 8292 2009-01-04
Source\DAO\PhongDao.cs 7134 2008-12-26
Source\DAO\bin\Debug\DAO.dll 32768 2009-01-04
Source\DAO\bin\Debug\DAO.pdb 46592 2009-01-04
Source\DAO\bin\Debug\DTO.dll 24576 2008-12-28
Source\DAO\bin\Debug\DTO.pdb 56832 2008-12-28
Source\DAO\Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs 1403 2008-12-12
Source\DTO\BienLaiDto.cs 2580 2008-12-26
Source\DTO\DTO.csproj 2693 2008-12-28
Source\DTO\GiaPhongDto.cs 907 2008-12-20
Source\DTO\KhachHangCrt.cs 3402 2008-12-26
Source\DTO\KhachHangDto.cs 3230 2008-12-26
Source\DTO\NhanVienDto.cs 1483 2008-12-28
Source\DTO\PhongDto.cs 2032 2008-12-24
Source\DTO\bin\Debug\DTO.dll 24576 2008-12-28
Source\DTO\bin\Debug\DTO.pdb 56832 2008-12-28
Source\DTO\Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs 1403 2008-12-12
Source\QLKS Setup\QLKS Setup.vdproj 35039 2009-01-04
Source\QLKS Setup\Debug\QLKS Setup.msi 1808384 2009-01-04
Source\Quan Ly Khach San\Form1.cs 85294 2009-01-04
Source\Quan Ly Khach San\Form1.Designer.cs 243054 2009-01-04
Source\Quan Ly Khach San\Form1.resx 32634 2009-01-04
Source\Quan Ly Khach San\frmBienLai.cs 1202 2009-01-04
Source\Quan Ly Khach San\frmBienLai.Designer.cs 2360 2008-12-26
Source\Quan Ly Khach San\frmBienLai.resx 5814 2008-12-26
Source\Quan Ly Khach San\frmDSNhanVien.cs 1480 2008-12-28
Source\Quan Ly Khach San\frmDSNhanVien.Designer.cs 10040 2008-12-28
Source\Quan Ly Khach San\frmDSNhanVien.resx 6513 2008-12-28
Source\Quan Ly Khach San\frmGiaPhong.cs 11090 2008-12-20
Source\Quan Ly Khach San\frmGiaPhong.Designer.cs 42364 2008-12-20
Source\Quan Ly Khach San\frmGiaPhong.resx 14113 2008-12-20
Source\Quan Ly Khach San\frmThemNhanVien.cs 4244 2008-12-28
Source\Quan Ly Khach San\frmThemNhanVien.Designer.cs 21508 2008-12-28
Source\Quan Ly Khach San\frmThemNhanVien.resx 5814 2008-12-28
Source\Quan Ly Khach San\frmThemPhong.cs 2562 2008-12-20
Source\Quan Ly Khach San\frmThemPhong.Designer.cs 17998 2008-12-20
Source\Quan Ly Khach San\frmThemPhong.resx 5991 2008-12-20
Source\Quan Ly Khach San\frmThongKe.cs 4752 2009-01-04
Source\Quan Ly Khach San\frmThongKe.Designer.cs 23464 2009-01-04
Source\Quan Ly Khach San\frmThongKe.resx 9661 2009-01-04
Source\Quan Ly Khach San\frmThongTinKhachHang.cs 14894 2008-12-28
Source\Quan Ly Khach San\frmThongTinKhachHang.Designer.cs 33756 2008-12-26
Source\Quan Ly Khach San\frmThongTinKhachHang.resx 10186 2008-12-24
Source\Quan Ly Khach San\frmXoaNhanVien.cs 4030 2008-12-28
Source\Quan Ly Khach San\frmXoaNhanVien.Designer.cs 4499 2008-12-28
Source\Quan Ly Khach San\frmXoaNhanVien.resx 6343 2008-12-28
Source\Quan Ly Khach San\Program.cs 496 2008-12-01
Source\Quan Ly Khach San\Quan Ly Khach San.csproj 9027 2009-01-04
Source\Quan Ly Khach San\Quan Ly Khach San.csproj.user 219 2008-12-25
Source\Quan Ly Khach San\rptBienLai.cs 4810 2008-12-26
Source\Quan Ly Khach San\rptBienLai.rpt 16384 2008-12-26
Source\Quan Ly Khach San\rptThongKe.cs 5148 2009-01-04
Source\Quan Ly Khach San\rptThongKe.rpt 16384 2009-01-04
Source\Quan Ly Khach San\bin\Debug\BUS.dll 20480 2009-01-04
Source\Quan Ly Khach San\bin\Debug\BUS.pdb 34304 2009-01-04
Source\Quan Ly Khach San\bin\Debug\DAO.dll 32768 2009-01-04
Source\Quan Ly Khach San\bin\Debug\DAO.pdb 46592 2009-01-04
Source\Quan Ly Khach San\bin\Debug\DTO.dll 24576 2008-12-28
Source\Quan Ly Khach San\bin\Debug\DTO.pdb 56832 2008-12-28
Source\Quan Ly Khach San\bin\Debug\Noidung1.gif 282079 2008-12-28
Source\Quan Ly Khach San\bin\Debug\Quan Ly Khach San.pdb 179712 2009-01-04
Source\Quan Ly Khach San\bin\Debug\QuanLyKhachSan.mdb 1114112 2009-01-04
Source\Quan Ly Khach San\Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs 1308 2008-12-01
Source\Quan Ly Khach San\Properties\Resources.Designer.cs 3887 2008-12-28
Source\Quan Ly Khach San\Properties\Resources.resx 6944 2008-12-28
Source\Quan Ly Khach San\Properties\Settings.Designer.cs 1098 2008-12-01
Source\Quan Ly Khach San\Properties\Settings.settings 249 2008-12-01
Source\QuanLyKhachSan.sln 2628 2009-01-04
Source\Quan Ly Khach San\bin\Debug
Source\QLKS Setup\Debug
Source\QLKS Setup\Release
Source\Quan Ly Khach San\bin
Source\Quan Ly Khach San\Properties
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