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Turbine Testing Example

  • Category : LabView
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  • Update : 2017-11-25
  • Size : 1.84mb
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  • Author :程*****
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Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
1. control turbine speed with analog PWM signal; 2. use tachometer to monitor the revolutions per minute (RPM) of the turbine; Limited acquisition of 3. triggers for analysis; 4. calculate and display the frequency of accelerometer data; 5. monitor the temperature to prevent overheating of the turbine during testing; 6. display temperature, tachometer speed (RPM), accelerometer data and frequency data to UI.
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Turbine Testing Example
Turbine Testing Example\Turbine Testing Example
Turbine Testing Example\Turbine Testing Example\FPGA - Sampling 73979 2017-06-22
Turbine Testing Example\Turbine Testing Example\FPGA Bitfiles
Turbine Testing Example\Turbine Testing Example\FPGA Bitfiles\FPGATarget_FPGA-SamplingTurbine_3297E995.lvbitx 1320795 2011-02-21
Turbine Testing Example\Turbine Testing Example\Fig 1.3 Control and monitoring application.graphml 21066 2017-06-22
Turbine Testing Example\Turbine Testing Example\Fig 1.3 Control and monitoring application.png 12906 2017-06-22
Turbine Testing Example\Turbine Testing Example\Fig 1.9 Turbine Testing Application.graphml 30135 2017-06-22
Turbine Testing Example\Turbine Testing Example\Fig 1.9 Turbine Testing Application.png 21983 2017-06-22
Turbine Testing Example\Turbine Testing Example\RT - Analyzing Turbine 355963 2017-06-22
Turbine Testing Example\Turbine Testing Example\RT Communication.lvlib 6042 2017-06-16
Turbine Testing Example\Turbine Testing Example\SubVIs
Turbine Testing Example\Turbine Testing Example\SubVIs\DMA Elements To 14088 2017-06-15
Turbine Testing Example\Turbine Testing Example\SubVIs\FPGA - Finite Acq 16324 2017-06-15
Turbine Testing Example\Turbine Testing Example\Turbine Testing.aliases 128 2017-06-22
Turbine Testing Example\Turbine Testing Example\Turbine Testing.lvlps 169 2017-06-16
Turbine Testing Example\Turbine Testing Example\Turbine Testing.lvproj 77639 2017-06-16
Turbine Testing Example\Turbine Testing Example\Type Defs
Turbine Testing Example\Turbine Testing Example\Type Defs\Command Datatype.ctl 4705 2017-06-15
Turbine Testing Example\Turbine Testing Example\UI Communication.lvlib 1645 2017-06-16
Turbine Testing Example\Turbine Testing Example\Windows - Display Turbine 66124 2017-06-22
Turbine Testing Example\Turbine Testing Example\tachometer
Turbine Testing Example\Turbine Testing Example\tachometer\Check 11373 2017-06-15
Turbine Testing Example\Turbine Testing Example\tachometer\Scale_RT 18161 2017-06-15
Turbine Testing Example\Turbine Testing Example\tachometer\Tach 18485 2011-03-07
Turbine Testing Example\Turbine Testing Example\tachometer\Tach RPM_RT 25316 2011-03-07
Turbine Testing Example\Turbine Testing Example\tachometer\ 27973 2017-06-15
Turbine Testing Example\Turbine Testing Example\tachometer\Tachometer.aliases 108 2011-03-07
Turbine Testing Example\Turbine Testing Example\tachometer\Tachometer.lvlps 86 2011-03-07
Turbine Testing Example\Turbine Testing Example\tachometer\Tachometer.lvproj 31665 2011-03-07
Turbine Testing Example\Turbine Testing Example\~$风力发电机测试案例分析.docx 162 2017-06-22
Turbine Testing Example\Turbine Testing Example\~WRL3861.tmp
Turbine Testing Example\Turbine Testing Example\涡轮风力发电机测试案例分析.docx 604743 2017-06-22
Turbine Testing Example\Turbine testing.txt 604743 2017-07-14
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