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  • Category : VHDL-FPGA-Verilog
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  • Update : 2017-12-11
  • Size : 4.08mb
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  • Author :黒***
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Example of digital tube simulation
Packet file list
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pl1\db\logic_util_heursitic.dat 924 2017-10-28
pl1\db\pl1.(0).cnf.cdb 785 2017-10-28
pl1\db\pl1.(0).cnf.hdb 633 2017-10-28
pl1\db\pl1.asm.qmsg 2499 2017-10-28
pl1\db\pl1.asm.rdb 1408 2017-10-28
pl1\db\pl1.asm_labs.ddb 10340 2017-10-28
pl1\db\pl1.cbx.xml 85 2017-10-28
pl1\db\pl1.cmp.bpm 535 2017-10-28
pl1\db\pl1.cmp.cdb 3635 2017-10-28
pl1\db\pl1.cmp.hdb 10403 2017-10-28
pl1\db\pl1.cmp.idb 1260 2017-10-28
pl1\db\pl1.cmp.kpt 211 2017-10-28
pl1\db\pl1.cmp.logdb 8627 2017-10-28
pl1\db\pl1.cmp.rdb 17303 2017-10-28
pl1\db\pl1.cmp_merge.kpt 219 2017-10-28
pl1\db\pl1.db_info 155 2017-11-28
pl1\db\pl1.eda.qmsg 4965 2017-10-28
pl1\db\ 24155 2017-10-28
pl1\db\pl1.hier_info 142 2017-10-28
pl1\db\pl1.hif 430 2017-10-28
pl1\db\pl1.ipinfo 178 2017-11-28
pl1\db\pl1.lpc.html 372 2017-10-28
pl1\db\pl1.lpc.rdb 414 2017-10-28
pl1\db\pl1.lpc.txt 1060 2017-10-28
pl1\db\ 138 2017-10-28
pl1\db\ 510 2017-10-28
pl1\db\ 2242 2017-10-28
pl1\db\ 9683 2017-10-28
pl1\db\ 377 2017-10-28
pl1\db\ 4 2017-10-28
pl1\db\ 5873 2017-10-28
pl1\db\ 1400 2017-10-28
pl1\db\pl1.map_bb.cdb 1738 2017-10-28
pl1\db\pl1.map_bb.hdb 8856 2017-10-28
pl1\db\pl1.map_bb.logdb 4 2017-10-28
pl1\db\pl1.pre_map.hdb 9765 2017-10-28
pl1\db\pl1.pti_db_list.ddb 192 2017-10-28
pl1\db\ 209 2017-10-28
pl1\db\pl1.routing.rdb 3531 2017-10-28
pl1\db\pl1.rtlv.hdb 9717 2017-10-28
pl1\db\pl1.rtlv_sg.cdb 795 2017-10-28
pl1\db\pl1.rtlv_sg_swap.cdb 196 2017-10-28
pl1\db\pl1.sgdiff.cdb 2002 2017-10-28
pl1\db\pl1.sgdiff.hdb 9854 2017-10-28
pl1\db\pl1.sld_design_entry.sci 217 2017-11-28
pl1\db\pl1.sld_design_entry_dsc.sci 217 2017-10-28
pl1\db\pl1.smart_action.txt 6 2017-10-28
pl1\db\pl1.sta.qmsg 16391 2017-10-28
pl1\db\pl1.sta.rdb 10334 2017-10-28
pl1\db\pl1.sta_cmp.6_slow_1200mv_85c.tdb 1897 2017-10-28
pl1\db\pl1.stingray_io_sim_cache.99um_ff_1200mv_0c_fast.hsd 1229774 2017-10-28
pl1\db\pl1.stingray_io_sim_cache.99um_tt_1200mv_0c_slow.hsd 1235602 2017-10-28
pl1\db\pl1.stingray_io_sim_cache.99um_tt_1200mv_85c_slow.hsd 1233958 2017-10-28
pl1\db\pl1.tiscmp.fast_1200mv_0c.ddb 126072 2017-10-28
pl1\db\pl1.tiscmp.slow_1200mv_0c.ddb 126776 2017-10-28
pl1\db\pl1.tiscmp.slow_1200mv_85c.ddb 126996 2017-10-28
pl1\db\pl1.tis_db_list.ddb 242 2017-10-28
pl1\db\pl1.tmw_info 310 2017-11-28
pl1\db\pl1.vpr.ammdb 279 2017-10-28
pl1\db\prev_cmp_pl1.qmsg 4121 2017-10-28
pl1\incremental_db\compiled_partitions\pl1.db_info 155 2017-10-28
pl1\incremental_db\compiled_partitions\pl1.root_partition.cmp.ammdb 241 2017-10-28
pl1\incremental_db\compiled_partitions\pl1.root_partition.cmp.cdb 2595 2017-10-28
pl1\incremental_db\compiled_partitions\pl1.root_partition.cmp.dfp 33 2017-10-28
pl1\incremental_db\compiled_partitions\pl1.root_partition.cmp.hdb 9981 2017-10-28
pl1\incremental_db\compiled_partitions\pl1.root_partition.cmp.kpt 218 2017-10-28
pl1\incremental_db\compiled_partitions\pl1.root_partition.cmp.logdb 4 2017-10-28
pl1\incremental_db\compiled_partitions\pl1.root_partition.cmp.rcfdb 1091 2017-10-28
pl1\incremental_db\compiled_partitions\ 2081 2017-10-28
pl1\incremental_db\compiled_partitions\ 652 2017-10-28
pl1\incremental_db\compiled_partitions\ 1299 2017-10-28
pl1\incremental_db\compiled_partitions\ 46 2017-10-28
pl1\incremental_db\compiled_partitions\ 9360 2017-10-28
pl1\incremental_db\compiled_partitions\ 32 2017-10-28
pl1\incremental_db\compiled_partitions\ 9555 2017-10-28
pl1\incremental_db\compiled_partitions\ 383 2017-10-28
pl1\incremental_db\README 653 2017-10-28
pl1\output_files\pl1.asm.rpt 6922 2017-10-28
pl1\output_files\pl1.done 26 2017-10-28
pl1\output_files\pl1.eda.rpt 7316 2017-10-28
pl1\output_files\ 107013 2017-10-28
pl1\output_files\ 567 2017-10-28
pl1\output_files\ 793 2017-10-28
pl1\output_files\pl1.flow.rpt 9260 2017-10-28
pl1\output_files\pl1.jdi 224 2017-10-28
pl1\output_files\ 20864 2017-10-28
pl1\output_files\ 611 2017-10-28
pl1\output_files\ 23784 2017-10-28
pl1\output_files\pl1.sof 458979 2017-10-28
pl1\output_files\pl1.sta.rpt 62803 2017-10-28
pl1\output_files\pl1.sta.summary 937 2017-10-28
pl1\pl1.qpf 1289 2017-10-28
pl1\pl1.qsf 3230 2017-10-28
pl1\pl1.qws 48 2017-11-28
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