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004.求最大公约数(递归法).e 23964 2008-04-03
005.汉诺塔(递归调用).e 25836 2008-05-13
006.99乘法表.e 19972 2008-05-13
007.猫捉老鼠(筛选法).e 23461 2008-05-13
008.水仙花数问题.e 21459 2008-05-13
009.组合.e 24448 2008-05-13
010.身份证号15位升级到18位.e 49968 2008-05-13
011.冒泡排序.e 36605 2008-05-13
012.九宫计算.e 24937 2008-05-13
013.奶牛问题.e 22380 2008-05-13
014.阶乘计算.e 20509 2008-05-13
015.折半查找.e 67401 2008-05-13
016.给歌手打分.e 37904 2010-04-22
017.航线设置.e 26060 2008-05-13
018.数字全排列(回溯法).e 24839 2008-05-13
019.借书方案.e 22658 2008-05-13
020.求直角三角形.e 24594 2008-05-13
021.二分排序.e 37460 2008-05-13
022.抢30.e 39442 2008-05-13
023.求回文数.e 22904 2008-05-13
024.斐波那契数列(递推法).e 23689 2008-05-13
025.分块查找.e 23632 2008-05-13
026.帕斯卡三角(杨辉三角).e 23837 2008-05-13
027.箱子问题(贪婪法).e 23663 2008-05-13
028.寻找文件(递归算法).e 37989 2008-05-13
029.取不重复数(排除法).e 23309 2010-04-23
030.拉丁方.e 21313 2008-05-13
031.波松瓦分酒.e 23830 2008-05-13
032.皇后问题(递归法).e 28577 2010-04-22
033.皇后问题(回溯法).e 34916 2008-05-13
034.角谷猜想.e 22210 2008-05-13
035.邮票组合.e 22445 2008-05-13
036.贮油点.e 25317 2008-05-13
037.分解质因数.e 21976 2008-05-13
038.任意进制转换(大数).e 26455 2008-05-13
039.计算星期几(常用公式).e 23711 2008-05-13
040.计算星期几(蔡勒公式).e 24322 2008-05-13
041.猴子吃桃子.e 21338 2008-05-13
042.马踏棋盘.e 32722 2008-05-13
043.打鱼还是晒网.e 25695 2008-05-13
044.九位累进可除数.e 26368 2008-05-13
045.十进制转为二进制.e 21443 2008-05-13
046.九连环.e 23188 2008-05-13
047.找窃贼.e 23697 2010-04-23
048.哥德巴赫猜想.e 23015 2008-05-13
049.最小生成数.e 23795 2008-05-13
050.农夫过河.e 23491 2008-05-13
051.旅游路径满意解.e 43896 2008-05-13
052.马克思手稿中的数学题.e 21903 2008-05-13
053.上楼梯(递归).e 22831 2008-05-13
054.上楼梯(循环法).e 23230 2008-05-13
055.金额大小写转换.e 23959 2008-05-13
056.求一元二次方程的根(二分法).e 22967 2010-04-23
057.求一元二次方程的根(公式法).e 25784 2008-05-13
058.背包问题.e 40330 2008-05-13
059.求N阶幻方.e 23302 2008-05-13
060.计算分数的精确值.e 25025 2008-05-13
061.找零钱.e 25162 2008-05-13
062.数字与IP地址间的转换.e 27042 2008-05-13
063.比赛日程(分治法).e 28451 2008-05-13
064.两个有序数组的合并.e 25137 2010-04-23
065.统计投色子(2个)的结果.e 22935 2008-05-13
066.12小球问题.e 32413 2010-04-23
067.改进冒泡排序法.e 36168 2010-04-23
068.螺旋数组.e 26231 2008-05-13
069.射击环数.e 22047 2008-05-13
070.添数字游戏.e 22570 2008-05-13
071.桶排序.e 39680 2008-05-13
072.造币厂问题.e 34127 2008-05-13
073.直接插入排序.e 36400 2008-05-13
074.搬砖.e 22349 2008-05-13
075.公车座位巧安排.e 21823 2008-05-13
076.韩信点兵(中国剩余定理).e 24014 2008-05-13
077.黑洞数.e 23565 2008-05-13
078.矩阵相乘.e 24976 2008-05-13
079.螺旋矩阵问题(多循环法).e 24908 2008-05-13
080.买水果问题.e 22655 2008-05-13
081.求平方根(迭代法).e 23106 2008-05-13
082.求任意三角形面积.e 23828 2008-05-13
083.全排列问题(递推法).e 23978 2008-05-13
084.怎样组合值最大.e 23331 2008-05-13
085.取两数之间均匀分布的随机数.e 23921 2008-05-13
1001.求素数(筛选法).e 24126 2008-05-13
J002.求最小公倍数(循环检验).e 21748 2008-05-13
S003.求最大公约数(辗转相除法).e 23302 2010-04-22
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