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predictive control

  • Category : VHDL-FPGA-Verilog
  • Tags :
  • Update : 2017-12-21
  • Size : 324kb
  • Downloaded :0次
  • Author :lxs****
  • About : Nobody
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Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
Predictive control based on FPGA control chip and a complete control system
Packet file list
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predictive control\Add_results.bsf 2401 2016-08-12
predictive control\Add_results.v 247 2016-08-12
predictive control\CoefMatrix_uinv.bsf 2228 2016-08-16
predictive control\CoefMatrix_uinv.v 287 2016-08-16
predictive control\Coef_Matrix.bsf 4264 2016-08-12
predictive control\Coef_Matrix.v 789 2016-08-12
predictive control\CostFun_add2.bsf 2297 2016-08-16
predictive control\CostFun_add2.qip 383 2016-08-16
predictive control\CostFun_add2.v 4689 2016-08-16
predictive control\CostFun_add2_bb.v 3965 2016-08-16
predictive control\CostFun_div1.bsf 2584 2016-08-29
predictive control\CostFun_div1.qip 382 2016-08-29
predictive control\CostFun_div1.v 4326 2016-08-29
predictive control\CostFun_div1_bb.v 3600 2016-08-29
predictive control\CostFun_mult1.bsf 2425 2016-08-16
predictive control\CostFun_mult1.qip 383 2016-08-16
predictive control\CostFun_mult1.v 4450 2016-08-16
predictive control\CostFun_mult1_bb.v 3845 2016-08-16
predictive control\CostFun_sub1.bsf 2297 2016-08-16
predictive control\CostFun_sub1.qip 383 2016-08-16
predictive control\CostFun_sub1.v 4689 2016-08-16
predictive control\CostFun_sub1_bb.v 3965 2016-08-16
predictive control\CostF_limit.bsf 1618 2016-08-16
predictive control\CostF_limit.v 214 2016-08-16
predictive control\Cost_Function.bdf 58753 2016-08-29
predictive control\Cost_Function.bsf 5161 2016-08-16
predictive control\CstFun_add1.bsf 2296 2016-08-16
predictive control\CstFun_add1.qip 380 2016-08-16
predictive control\CstFun_add1.v 4685 2016-08-16
predictive control\CstFun_add1_bb.v 3959 2016-08-16
predictive control\CstFun_sqrt1.bsf 2165 2016-08-16
predictive control\CstFun_sqrt1.qip 380 2016-08-16
predictive control\CstFun_sqrt1.v 4131 2016-08-16
predictive control\CstFun_sqrt1_bb.v 3618 2016-08-16
predictive control\CstFun_sub1.bsf 2296 2016-08-16
predictive control\CstFun_sub1.qip 380 2016-08-16
predictive control\CstFun_sub1.v 4681 2016-08-16
predictive control\CstFun_sub1_bb.v 3957 2016-08-16
predictive control\Cycle_Cal.bsf 4639 2016-08-12
predictive control\Cycle_Cal.v 3003 2016-08-12
predictive control\Cycle_Cal.v.bak 2999 2016-08-12
predictive control\data_exp_40to24.bsf 1622 2016-08-12
predictive control\data_exp_40to24.v 160 2016-08-12
predictive control\lpm_mult0.bsf 2423 2016-08-12
predictive control\lpm_mult0.qip 371 2016-08-12
predictive control\lpm_mult0.v 4428 2016-08-12
predictive control\lpm_mult0_bb.v 3821 2016-08-12
predictive control\MPC_add1.bsf 2415 2016-08-16
predictive control\MPC_add1.qip 372 2016-08-16
predictive control\MPC_add1.v 4007 2016-08-16
predictive control\MPC_add1_bb.v 3165 2016-08-16
predictive control\PredCycle_Cal.bsf 8027 2016-08-18
predictive control\PredCycle_Cal.v 6679 2016-08-16
predictive control\PredCycle_Cal.v.bak 3003 2016-08-12
predictive control\premodel_a.bdf 42642 2016-08-12
predictive control\premodel_a.bsf 3025 2016-08-12
predictive control\premodel_b.bdf 42674 2016-08-12
predictive control\premodel_b.bsf 3025 2016-08-12
predictive control\pre_model.bdf 42639 2016-08-12
predictive control\pre_model.bsf 3018 2016-08-12
predictive control\pulse.bsf 1592 2016-08-16
predictive control\ 1188 2016-08-16
predictive control\pulse.v 314 2016-08-16
predictive control\pulse.v.bak 309 2016-08-16
predictive control\two_step.bdf 37566 2016-08-18
predictive control\two_step.jdi 4709 2016-08-16
predictive control\two_step.qpf 1275 2016-08-12
predictive control\two_step.qsf 53288 2016-09-14
predictive control\two_step.qws 789 2016-09-14
predictive control\two_step_assignment_defaults.qdf 56807 2016-08-29
predictive control\db\add_sub_7jh.tdf 1437 2016-08-29
predictive control\db\add_sub_7pc.tdf 1736 2016-08-29
predictive control\db\add_sub_8pc.tdf 1881 2016-08-29
predictive control\db\add_sub_akh.tdf 1437 2016-08-29
predictive control\db\add_sub_iqh.tdf 1439 2016-08-29
predictive control\db\altsquare_b7e.tdf 34263 2016-08-29
predictive control\db\altsyncram_a124.tdf 74434 2016-08-16
predictive control\db\altsyncram_c124.tdf 74434 2016-08-16
predictive control\db\altsyncram_e124.tdf 74434 2016-08-16
predictive control\db\altsyncram_g424.tdf 204919 2016-08-16
predictive control\db\altsyncram_g804.tdf 821218 2016-08-16
predictive control\db\altsyncram_i424.tdf 204919 2016-08-16
predictive control\db\alt_u_div_caf.tdf 52641 2016-08-29
predictive control\db\cmpr_ngc.tdf 1684 2016-08-16
predictive control\db\cmpr_rgc.tdf 2006 2016-08-16
predictive control\db\cmpr_ugc.tdf 2235 2016-08-16
predictive control\db\cntr_23j.tdf 3298 2016-08-16
predictive control\db\cntr_9ii.tdf 4258 2016-08-16
predictive control\db\cntr_egi.tdf 3864 2016-08-16
predictive control\db\cntr_g9j.tdf 4102 2016-08-16
predictive control\db\cntr_ggi.tdf 3864 2016-08-16
predictive control\db\cntr_igi.tdf 3864 2016-08-16
predictive control\db\cntr_kgi.tdf 3443 2016-08-16
predictive control\db\cntr_m9j.tdf 4234 2016-08-16
predictive control\db\cntr_o9j.tdf 4365 2016-08-16
predictive control\db\decode_dvf.tdf 1565 2016-08-16
predictive control\db\decode_msa.tdf 2291 2016-08-16
predictive control\db\logic_util_heursitic.dat
predictive control\db\lpm_divide_pas.tdf 2228 2016-08-29
predictive control\db\mult_j8n.tdf 5488 2016-08-29
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