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  • Category : Com Port
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  • Update : 2017-12-26
  • Size : 31kb
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  • Author :ncbg*****
  • About : Nobody
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Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
The influence of different transceiver antennas on the performance of the system
Packet file list
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6-1121912857\readme.txt 464 2004-03-04
B-1121864481\readme.txt 464 2004-03-04
-1121966584\readme.txt 562 2004-05-27
readme.txt 905 2004-05-27
仿真训练\readme.txt 905 2008-07-07
qam16.txt 80 2003-06-09
仿真训练\qam16.txt 80 2008-07-07
stc_bc16.txt 112 2004-03-15
仿真训练\stc_bc16.txt 112 2008-07-07
hs_err_pid852.log 12641 2008-07-02
仿真训练\hs_err_pid852.log 12641 2008-07-07
B-1121864481\capacity_main.asv 1494 2008-06-20
B-1121864481\capacity_plot.asv 1284 2008-06-20
6-1121912857\capacity_plot.asv 1422 2008-06-20
B-1121864481\capacity_plot_main.asv 1348 2008-06-20
6-1121912857\capacity_plot_main.asv 1864 2008-06-20
B-1121864481\capacity_rician.asv 1230 2008-06-23
6-1121912857\capacity_water.asv 1656 2008-06-05
B-1121864481\capacity_water.asv 1726 2008-06-22
B-1121864481\getmu.asv 210 2008-06-22
6-1121912857\getmu.asv 265 2008-06-05
仿真训练\runsim.asv 2847 2008-07-08
-1121966584\runsim.asv 3826 2008-06-26
-1121966584\stbc22_cor.asv 3775 2008-06-26
B-1121864481\tu2_10.asv 96 2008-06-21
B-1121864481\tu2_12.asv 465 2008-06-21
B-1121864481\tu2_15.asv 439 2008-06-21
B-1121864481\tu2_6.asv 39 2008-06-23
-1121966584\生成图形程序\tu4_5.asv 1288 2008-06-26
-1121966584\生成图形程序\tu4_7.asv 1118 2008-06-26
-1121966584\生成图形程序\tu4_9.asv 604 2008-06-26
仿真训练\tu5_13.asv 511 2008-07-07
仿真训练\tu5_14.asv 376 2008-07-08
仿真训练\tu5_9.asv 220 2008-07-07
branch_metric.m 399 2004-03-19
仿真训练\branch_metric.m 399 2008-07-07
B-1121864481\capacity.m 1303 2008-06-20
B-1121864481\capacity_main.m 1584 2008-06-20
6-1121912857\capacity_plot.m 1427 2008-06-20
6-1121912857\capacity_plot_main.m 1853 2008-06-20
6-1121912857\capacity_rician.m 1140 2004-03-04
B-1121864481\capacity_rician.m 1230 2008-06-23
B-1121864481\capacity_SNR.m 1283 2008-06-20
6-1121912857\capacity_water.m 1656 2008-06-05
B-1121864481\capacity_water.m 1744 2008-06-23
channel.m 1433 2004-03-25
仿真训练\channel.m 1433 2008-07-07
correlate.m 210 2004-03-07
仿真训练\correlate.m 210 2008-07-07
count.m 356 2004-03-25
仿真训练\count.m 356 2008-07-07
detect.m 2802 2004-03-24
仿真训练\detect.m 2802 2008-07-07
dispdes.m 1990 2004-03-19
仿真训练\dispdes.m 1990 2008-07-07
disptrell.m 2931 2004-03-25
仿真训练\disptrell.m 2931 2008-07-07
est.m 1097 2004-03-21
仿真训练\est.m 1097 2008-07-07
generate_data.m 194 2004-01-28
仿真训练\generate_data.m 194 2008-07-07
B-1121864481\getmu.m 210 2008-06-22
6-1121912857\getmu.m 265 2008-06-05
ltable.m 4776 2004-03-24
仿真训练\ltable.m 4776 2008-07-07
modul.m 1122 2004-03-25
仿真训练\modul.m 1122 2008-07-07
runsim.m 2790 2004-03-25
仿真训练\runsim.m 2931 2008-07-08
-1121966584\runsim.m 3843 2008-06-26
-1121966584\stbc12.m 2826 2004-03-04
-1121966584\stbc14.m 3101 2004-03-04
-1121966584\stbc21.m 3451 2004-03-04
-1121966584\stbc22.m 3395 2004-03-04
-1121966584\stbc22_cor.m 3628 2004-03-04
-1121966584\stbc22_est.m 6467 2004-03-04
-1121966584\stbc31.m 5205 2004-03-04
-1121966584\stbc34.m 5179 2004-03-04
-1121966584\stbc41.m 5314 2004-03-04
-1121966584\stbc44.m 5303 2004-03-04
trellis_encoder.m 1253 2004-03-10
仿真训练\trellis_encoder.m 1253 2008-07-07
B-1121864481\tu2_10.m 532 2008-06-23
B-1121864481\tu2_12.m 465 2008-06-21
B-1121864481\tu2_15.m 454 2008-06-21
B-1121864481\tu2_6.m 84 2008-06-23
B-1121864481\tu2_8.m 533 2008-06-23
-1121966584\生成图形程序\tu4_5.m 1306 2008-06-26
-1121966584\生成图形程序\tu4_7.m 1118 2008-06-26
-1121966584\生成图形程序\tu4_8.m 1157 2008-06-26
-1121966584\生成图形程序\tu4_9.m 612 2008-06-26
仿真训练\tu5_13.m 683 2008-07-07
仿真训练\tu5_14.m 385 2008-07-08
仿真训练\tu5_9.m 350 2008-07-07
-1121966584\tx_modulate.m 2661 2004-02-16
-1121966584\ui_check_params.m 5551 2004-03-04
ui_check_params.m 17122 2004-03-25
仿真训练\ui_check_params.m 17122 2008-07-07
ui_read_options.m 2688 2004-03-25
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