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The entire code of the w-cdma simulation process written by two Nokia researchers, C code contains channel coding, interweaving, rate matching, modulation, spread spectrum, channel model
Packet file list
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1bitroutines.h 1587 1999-11-24
blockcollect.h 2438 1999-11-24
channel.h 9047 1999-11-24
chcoding.h 3946 1999-11-24
chdecoding.h 2949 1999-11-24
code.h 1791 1999-11-24
config_wcdma.h 3895 1999-11-24
convdec.h 2503 1999-11-24
convenc.h 1618 1999-11-24
conversions.h 1502 1999-11-24
crc_routines.h 1551 1999-11-24
discdemod.h 2097 1999-11-24
discmod.h 1943 1999-11-24
errormsg.h 550 1999-11-24
interleaver.h 4424 1999-11-24
mealy.h 1886 1999-11-24
metrics.h 2459 1999-11-24
misdefs.h 614 1999-11-24
qpsk.h 1846 1999-11-24
qpsk_ints.h 1785 1999-11-24
rake.h 7052 1999-11-24
spreading.h 1197 1999-11-24
sratematch.h 2486 1999-11-24
utility.h 639 1999-11-24
wcdma_simulink.h 849 1999-11-24
4bitroutines.c 1831 2000-07-11
build_slot.c 5092 1999-11-24
c_code.c 1162 1999-11-24
c_testbed.c 5783 1999-11-24
c_testbed2.c 5648 1999-11-24
channel.c 23798 1999-11-24
channel_real_input.c 24662 1999-11-24
chcoding.c 8585 1999-11-24
chdecoding.c 10523 1999-11-24
code.c 13308 1999-11-24
control_bits.c 1173 1999-11-24
convdec.c 17015 1999-11-24
convenc.c 5917 1999-11-24
conversions.c 1779 1999-11-24
crc_routines.c 3494 1999-11-24
discdemod.c 3097 1999-11-24
discmod.c 2749 1999-11-24
dl_dch.c 10840 1999-11-24
dl_pri_ccpch.c 10840 1999-11-24
errormsg.c 706 1999-11-24
get_ovsf_code.c 1934 1999-11-24
get_ovsf_code_indexes.c 1811 1999-11-24
interleaver.c 16634 1999-11-24
mealy.c 6742 1999-11-24
metrics.c 11059 1999-11-24
qpsk.c 2959 1999-11-24
qpsk_ints.c 2692 1999-11-24
rake.c 8567 1999-11-24
rake_supp.c 15863 1999-11-24
Rblockcollect.c 6305 1999-11-24
s_ber_calc.c 4711 1999-11-24
s_ber_direct.c 4252 1999-11-24
s_buffer.c 4509 1999-11-24
s_channel.c 9817 1999-11-24
s_channel_estimator.c 4383 1999-11-24
s_chcoding.c 8083 1999-11-24
s_chdecoding.c 8263 1999-11-24
s_code.c 3452 1999-11-24
s_conv_detection.c 4978 1999-11-24
s_crc_add.c 5133 1999-11-24
s_crc_remove.c 5842 1999-11-24
s_deinterleaver.c 6537 1999-11-24
s_derate.c 4029 1999-11-24
s_dl_demod_buffer.c 6496 1999-11-24
s_dl_discmod.c 6272 1999-11-24
s_frame_buffer.c 5397 1999-11-24
s_hard_decission.c 3022 1999-11-24
s_interleaver.c 6357 1999-11-24
s_intra_deinterleaver.c 6798 1999-11-24
s_intra_interleaver.c 6032 1999-11-24
s_mod_plain.c 3695 1999-11-24
s_pulse_shaping.c 3644 1999-11-24
s_rake.c 7032 1999-11-24
s_rate.c 3719 1999-11-24
s_resize.c 4194 1999-11-24
s_spreading.c 5086 1999-11-24
spreading.c 6192 1999-11-24
sratematch.c 16215 1999-11-24
test_blockinterleaver.c 951 1999-11-24
test_channel.c 2874 1999-11-24
test_chcoding.c 4579 1999-11-24
test_conv1o2.c 3732 1999-11-24
test_crc16.c 2080 1999-11-24
test_interleavers.c 3622 1999-11-24
test_ratematching.c 3513 1999-11-24
test_symbolbuffer.c 1013 1999-11-24
test_txrx_statchan.c 8482 1999-11-24
testsymbolbuffer.c 1013 1999-11-24
utility.c 1447 1999-11-24
make_chcoding_test 193 1999-11-24
make_conv1o2_test 473 1999-11-24
make_crc_test 71 1999-11-24
make_interleaver_test 100 1999-11-24
make_ratematch_test 183 1999-11-24
make_txrx_test 193 1999-11-24
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