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  • Update : 2018-01-02
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A web site data capture small program, multithreading, MySQL database, EF DB first
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DsFootBall.sln 7320 2017-10-18
DS.Http\BaseService.cs 10820 2017-10-18
DS.Http\DS.Http.csproj 3295 2017-10-18
DS.Http\GameService.cs 41383 2017-12-20
DS.Http\packages.config 221 2017-10-18
DS.Http\Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs 1322 2017-10-18
Ds.Models\App.config 1894 2017-10-18
Ds.Models\Comer.cs 1060 2017-10-18
Ds.Models\Comerh.cs 1061 2017-10-18
Ds.Models\DS.Models.csproj 6133 2017-10-18
Ds.Models\Dxball.cs 1044 2017-10-18
Ds.Models\Dxballh.cs 1045 2017-10-18
Ds.Models\football.Context.cs 1423 2017-10-18
Ds.Models\ 22932 2017-10-18
Ds.Models\football.cs 408 2017-10-18
Ds.Models\football.Designer.cs 721 2017-10-18
Ds.Models\football.edmx 29119 2017-10-18
Ds.Models\football.edmx.diagram 1537 2017-10-18
Ds.Models\ 25277 2017-10-18
Ds.Models\Game.cs 1519 2017-10-18
Ds.Models\packages.config 375 2017-10-18
Ds.Models\Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs 1326 2017-10-18
Ds.Models\Result.cs 1372 2017-10-18
Ds.Models\Result2.cs 931 2017-10-18
Ds.Models\RqIndex.cs 1249 2017-10-18
Ds.Models\SpfIndex.cs 1242 2017-10-18
DS数据\AESHelper.cs 6970 2017-10-18
DS数据\App.Config 2034 2017-10-18
DS数据\BaseService.cs 11038 2017-12-20
DS数据\Comer.cs 1068 2017-10-18
DS数据\Comerh.cs 1069 2017-10-18
DS数据\DS数据.csproj 10659 2017-12-20
DS数据\Dxball.cs 1052 2017-10-18
DS数据\Dxballh.cs 1053 2017-10-18
DS数据\footballModel.Context.cs 1359 2017-10-18
DS数据\ 26168 2017-10-18
DS数据\footballModel.cs 417 2017-10-18
DS数据\footballModel.Designer.cs 725 2017-10-18
DS数据\footballModel.edmx 29578 2017-10-18
DS数据\footballModel.edmx.diagram 1554 2017-10-18
DS数据\ 28754 2017-10-18
DS数据\Game.cs 1527 2017-10-18
DS数据\GameService.cs 43888 2017-12-20
DS数据\IndexResult.cs 815 2017-10-18
DS数据\LoginForm.cs 2552 2017-10-18
DS数据\LoginForm.Designer.cs 15935 2017-10-18
DS数据\LoginForm.resx 44398 2017-10-18
DS数据\MainForm.cs 42850 2017-10-18
DS数据\MainForm.Designer.cs 45669 2017-10-18
DS数据\MainForm.resx 5817 2017-10-18
DS数据\packages.config 619 2017-10-18
DS数据\ParamStatic.cs 376 2017-10-18
DS数据\pie_chart.ico 67646 2017-10-18
DS数据\Program.cs 742 2017-10-18
DS数据\Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs 1428 2017-10-18
DS数据\Properties\licenses.licx 389 2017-12-20
DS数据\Properties\Resources.Designer.cs 2846 2017-10-18
DS数据\Properties\Resources.resx 5612 2017-10-18
DS数据\Properties\Settings.Designer.cs 1095 2017-10-18
DS数据\Properties\Settings.settings 249 2017-10-18
DS数据\Result.cs 1380 2017-10-18
DS数据\Result2.cs 939 2017-10-18
DS数据\RqIndex.cs 953 2017-10-18
DS数据\RqIndexEx.cs 693 2017-10-18
DS数据\SpfIndex.cs 946 2017-10-18
DS数据\SpfIndexEx.cs 640 2017-10-18
DS足球\AESHelper.cs 6970 2017-10-18
DS足球\App.config 406 2017-10-18
DS足球\DsSplashScreen.cs 649 2017-10-18
DS足球\DsSplashScreen.Designer.cs 4521 2017-10-18
DS足球\DsSplashScreen.resx 52311 2017-10-18
DS足球\DS足球.csproj 6708 2017-12-20
DS足球\DS足球.csproj.user 228 2017-10-18
DS足球\icon_72x72.ico 20798 2017-10-18
DS足球\IndexResult.cs 617 2017-10-18
DS足球\laptop.ico 67646 2017-10-18
DS足球\LoginForm.cs 10000 2017-12-20
DS足球\LoginForm.Designer.cs 18014 2017-12-20
DS足球\LoginForm.resx 114672 2017-12-20
DS足球\MainForm.cs 33951 2017-10-18
DS足球\MainForm.Designer.cs 70837 2017-10-18
DS足球\MainForm.resx 107589 2017-10-18
DS足球\NetEasySms.cs 5304 2017-10-18
DS足球\packages.config 143 2017-10-18
DS足球\Program.cs 742 2017-10-18
DS足球\Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs 1428 2017-10-18
DS足球\Properties\licenses.licx 389 2017-12-20
DS足球\Properties\Resources.Designer.cs 3576 2017-10-18
DS足球\Properties\Resources.resx 6426 2017-10-18
DS足球\Properties\Settings.Designer.cs 1095 2017-10-18
DS足球\Properties\Settings.settings 249 2017-10-18
DS足球\Resources\batempty.WAV 7018 2017-10-18
DS足球\Resources\message.mp3 81600 2017-10-18
DS足球\Resources\msg.wav 1131496 2017-10-18
DS足球\XmlHelper.cs 1657 2017-10-18
SMS\BaseService.cs 11066 2017-10-18
SMS\CheckSumBuilder.cs 2284 2017-10-18
SMS\Program.cs 3681 2017-10-18
SMS\Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs 1326 2017-10-18
SMS\SMS.csproj 2744 2017-10-18
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