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  • Category : VHDL-FPGA-Verilog
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  • Update : 2018-01-06
  • Size : 7.32mb
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  • Author :YXT****
  • About : Nobody
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Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
VHDL decipher display design, written in quartus2 software, can realize the display and decoding function of the digital tube.
Packet file list
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c5_pin_model_dump.txt 4875 2017-11-23
db 0 2017-12-31
db\.cmp.kpt 203 2017-11-23
db\prev_cmp_test2.qmsg 2639 2017-11-23
db\test2.(0).cnf.cdb 2240 2017-11-23
db\test2.(0).cnf.hdb 1582 2017-11-23
db\test2.asm.qmsg 2259 2017-11-23
db\test2.asm.rdb 786 2017-11-23
db\test2.cbx.xml 87 2017-11-23
db\test2.cmp.bpm 717 2017-11-23
db\test2.cmp.cdb 65858 2017-11-23
db\test2.cmp.hdb 117561 2017-11-23
db\test2.cmp.idb 1185 2017-11-23
db\test2.cmp.logdb 11275 2017-11-23
db\test2.cmp.rdb 29417 2017-11-23
db\test2.cmp_merge.kpt 208 2017-11-23
db\test2.cyclonev_io_sim_cache.ff_0c_fast.hsd 1519446 2017-11-23
db\test2.cyclonev_io_sim_cache.ff_85c_fast.hsd 1520874 2017-11-23
db\test2.cyclonev_io_sim_cache.tt_0c_slow.hsd 1518315 2017-11-23
db\test2.cyclonev_io_sim_cache.tt_85c_slow.hsd 1507307 2017-11-23
db\test2.db_info 139 2017-12-03
db\test2.eda.qmsg 2733 2017-11-23
db\ 12989 2017-11-23
db\test2.hier_info 1225 2017-11-23
db\test2.hif 374 2017-11-23
db\test2.logic_util_heuristic.dat 1936 2017-11-23
db\test2.lpc.html 372 2017-11-23
db\test2.lpc.rdb 402 2017-11-23
db\test2.lpc.txt 1060 2017-11-23
db\ 128 2017-11-23
db\ 677 2017-11-23
db\ 3387 2017-11-23
db\ 11553 2017-11-23
db\ 209 2017-11-23
db\ 4 2017-11-23
db\ 8299 2017-11-23
db\ 1380 2017-11-23
db\test2.map_bb.cdb 1939 2017-11-23
db\test2.map_bb.hdb 10430 2017-11-23
db\test2.map_bb.logdb 4 2017-11-23
db\test2.pplq.rdb 299 2017-12-02
db\test2.pre_map.hdb 11724 2017-11-23
db\test2.pti_db_list.ddb 237 2017-11-23
db\ 218 2017-11-23
db\test2.routing.rdb 25870 2017-11-23
db\test2.rtlv.hdb 11670 2017-11-23
db\test2.rtlv_sg.cdb 2002 2017-11-23
db\test2.rtlv_sg_swap.cdb 203 2017-11-23
db\test2.sld_design_entry.sci 269 2017-12-03
db\test2.sld_design_entry_dsc.sci 269 2017-11-23
db\test2.smart_action.txt 6 2017-11-23
db\test2.sta.qmsg 14117 2017-11-23
db\test2.sta.rdb 8763 2017-11-23
db\test2.sta_cmp.6_slow_1100mv_85c.tdb 8140 2017-11-23
db\test2.tiscmp.fast_1100mv_0c.ddb 243376 2017-11-23
db\test2.tiscmp.fast_1100mv_85c.ddb 241846 2017-11-23
db\test2.tiscmp.slow_1100mv_0c.ddb 244622 2017-11-23
db\test2.tiscmp.slow_1100mv_85c.ddb 245746 2017-11-23
db\test2.tis_db_list.ddb 296 2017-11-23
db\test2.tmw_info 310 2017-12-03
db\test2.vpr.ammdb 308 2017-11-23
incremental_db 0 2017-12-31
incremental_db\compiled_partitions 0 2017-12-31
incremental_db\compiled_partitions\test2.db_info 139 2017-11-23
incremental_db\compiled_partitions\test2.root_partition.cmp.ammdb 315 2017-11-23
incremental_db\compiled_partitions\test2.root_partition.cmp.cdb 60197 2017-11-23
incremental_db\compiled_partitions\test2.root_partition.cmp.dfp 33 2017-11-23
incremental_db\compiled_partitions\test2.root_partition.cmp.hbdb.cdb 1928 2017-11-23
incremental_db\compiled_partitions\test2.root_partition.cmp.hbdb.hdb 11797 2017-11-23
incremental_db\compiled_partitions\test2.root_partition.cmp.hbdb.sig 32 2017-11-23
incremental_db\compiled_partitions\test2.root_partition.cmp.hdb 11802 2017-11-23
incremental_db\compiled_partitions\test2.root_partition.cmp.logdb 4 2017-11-23
incremental_db\compiled_partitions\test2.root_partition.cmp.rcfdb 4862 2017-11-23
incremental_db\compiled_partitions\ 2998 2017-11-23
incremental_db\compiled_partitions\ 674 2017-11-23
incremental_db\compiled_partitions\ 1475 2017-11-23
incremental_db\compiled_partitions\ 46 2017-11-23
incremental_db\compiled_partitions\ 11261 2017-11-23
incremental_db\compiled_partitions\ 32 2017-11-23
incremental_db\compiled_partitions\ 11499 2017-11-23
incremental_db\compiled_partitions\ 211 2017-11-23
incremental_db\compiled_partitions\test2.rrp.hdb 12090 2017-11-23
incremental_db\compiled_partitions\test2.rrs.cdb 323 2017-11-23
incremental_db\README 653 2017-11-23
output_files 0 2017-12-31
output_files\test2.asm.rpt 3946 2017-11-23
output_files\test2.done 26 2017-11-23
output_files\test2.eda.rpt 5841 2017-11-23
output_files\ 252505 2017-11-23
output_files\ 482 2017-11-23
output_files\ 671 2017-11-23
output_files\test2.flow.rpt 9563 2017-11-23
output_files\test2.jdi 224 2017-11-23
output_files\ 24623 2017-11-23
output_files\ 515 2017-11-23
output_files\ 105855 2017-11-23
output_files\test2.sld 21 2017-11-23
output_files\test2.sof 6690326 2017-11-23
output_files\test2.sta.rpt 77419 2017-11-23
output_files\test2.sta.summary 573 2017-11-23
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