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  • Update : 2018-01-06
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  • Author :费曼的***
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Geophysical related processing toolbox,It includes sgy data reading and writing,signal analysis,etc.
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Geophysics\@struct\abs.m 398 2016-08-12
Geophysics\@struct\cumsum.m 394 2016-08-12
Geophysics\@struct\diff.m 1002 2016-08-12
Geophysics\@struct\displayTools.m 1371 2016-08-12
Geophysics\@struct\double.m 1288 2016-08-12
Geophysics\@struct\exp.m 680 2016-08-12
Geophysics\@struct\flipud.asv 740 2016-08-12
Geophysics\@struct\flipud.m 854 2016-08-12
Geophysics\@struct\imag.m 400 2016-08-12
Geophysics\@struct\log.m 674 2016-08-12
Geophysics\@struct\minus.m 389 2016-08-12
Geophysics\@struct\moperation.m 11298 2016-08-12
Geophysics\@struct\mpower.m 212 2016-08-12
Geophysics\@struct\mrdivide.m 428 2016-08-12
Geophysics\@struct\mtimes.m 381 2016-08-12
Geophysics\@struct\plus.m 380 2016-08-12
Geophysics\@struct\power.m 212 2016-08-12
Geophysics\@struct\rdivide.m 452 2016-08-12
Geophysics\@struct\real.m 395 2016-08-12
Geophysics\@struct\sign.m 394 2016-08-12
Geophysics\@struct\single.m 1299 2016-08-12
Geophysics\@struct\sqrt.m 401 2016-08-12
Geophysics\@struct\times.m 389 2016-08-12
Geophysics\@struct\uminus.m 199 2016-08-12
Geophysics\@struct\uoperation.m 2202 2016-08-12
Geophysics\@struct\uplus.m 197 2016-08-12
Geophysics\add_curve_type.m 1054 2016-08-12
Geophysics\add_header.m 3239 2016-08-12
Geophysics\add_parameter.m 939 2016-08-12
Geophysics\data2.sgy 2418000 2016-08-12
Geophysics\ddid.m 147 2016-08-12
Geophysics\ds_add_header.m 3242 2016-08-12
Geophysics\ds_add_parameter.m 1192 2016-08-12
Geophysics\ds_header.m 9704 2016-08-12
Geophysics\ds_header_sort.m 4973 2016-08-12
Geophysics\ds_unit_conversion.m 13271 2016-08-12
Geophysics\helpx.m 2177 2016-08-12
Geophysics\keep.m 1761 2016-08-12
Geophysics\lfigure.m 2119 2016-08-12
Geophysics\l_append.m 7989 2016-08-12
Geophysics\l_average.m 4747 2016-08-12
Geophysics\l_check.m 6079 2016-08-12
Geophysics\l_combine.m 4668 2016-08-12
Geophysics\l_compare.m 4653 2016-08-12
Geophysics\l_convert.m 4454 2016-08-12
Geophysics\l_crossplot.m 5789 2016-08-12
Geophysics\l_curve.m 9235 2016-08-12
Geophysics\l_curve_math.m 4902 2016-08-12
Geophysics\l_data.m 2384 2016-08-12
Geophysics\l_depth2index.m 1761 2016-08-12
Geophysics\l_depth2time.m 7110 2016-08-12
Geophysics\l_depth2wb_depth.m 3638 2016-08-12
Geophysics\l_elastic_impedance.m 5720 2016-08-12
Geophysics\l_eqdepth.m 1633 2016-08-12
Geophysics\l_extend.m 935 2016-08-12
Geophysics\l_fill_gaps.m 2518 2016-08-12
Geophysics\l_gc.m 1702 2016-08-12
Geophysics\l_gd.m 990 2016-08-12
Geophysics\l_gu.m 957 2016-08-12
Geophysics\l_histoplot_1d.m 3379 2016-08-12
Geophysics\l_interpolate.m 796 2016-08-12
Geophysics\l_itt2vel.m 3247 2016-08-12
Geophysics\l_lithocurves.m 4956 2016-08-12
Geophysics\l_lithoplot.m 11042 2016-08-12
Geophysics\l_litho_plot.m 189 2016-08-12
Geophysics\l_merge.m 1595 2016-08-12
Geophysics\l_plot.m 11426 2016-08-12
Geophysics\l_plot1.m 8784 2016-08-12
Geophysics\l_principal_components.m 5325 2016-08-12
Geophysics\l_redefine.m 1523 2016-08-12
Geophysics\l_reflections.m 1857 2016-08-12
Geophysics\l_reflection_coefficients.m 4378 2016-08-12
Geophysics\l_regression.m 11715 2016-08-12
Geophysics\l_rename.m 1911 2016-08-12
Geophysics\l_resample.m 5775 2016-08-12
Geophysics\l_rm_nulls.m 3849 2016-08-12
Geophysics\l_seismic_acoustic.m 3565 2016-08-12
Geophysics\l_seismic_elastic.m 5480 2016-08-12
Geophysics\l_select.m 5255 2016-08-12
Geophysics\l_sonic2time.m 6981 2016-08-12
Geophysics\l_sort.m 2029 2016-08-12
Geophysics\l_subtract_ekb.m 1592 2016-08-12
Geophysics\l_switch_depth.m 1561 2016-08-12
Geophysics\l_tools.m 876 2016-08-12
Geophysics\l_trend_removal.m 2335 2016-08-12
Geophysics\l_unit_conversion.m 9388 2016-08-12
Geophysics\mycolormap.m 5308 2016-08-12
Geophysics\mysuptitle.m 2908 2016-08-12
Geophysics\mytitle.m 2431 2016-08-12
Geophysics\nan_mean.m 2154 2016-08-12
Geophysics\pfigure.m 2010 2016-08-12
Geophysics\ple.m 787 2016-08-12
Geophysics\presets.m 411 2016-08-12
Geophysics\private\add_curve_type.m 1049 2016-08-12
Geophysics\private\add_handle2delete.m 1734 2016-08-12
Geophysics\private\add_header.m 3239 2016-08-12
Geophysics\private\add_xaxis.m 3996 2016-08-12
Geophysics\private\alert.m 1599 2016-08-12
Geophysics\private\anysmooth.m 1989 2016-08-12
Geophysics\private\approx_intersect.m 1352 2016-08-12
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