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  • Category : transportation applications
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  • Update : 2018-01-07
  • Size : 2.35mb
  • Downloaded :0次
  • Author :hyxh*****
  • About : Nobody
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ticket Visual Studio 4.5
Packet file list
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51Aspx源码必读.txt 3936 2015-01-27
App.config 187 2014-02-26
DB_51aspx 0 2015-01-26
DB_51aspx\Traindata.mdf 3145728 2015-01-27
DB_51aspx\Traindata_log.ldf 1048576 2015-01-27
DB_51aspx\database.rar 501625 2014-05-29
GraduationDesign.csproj 5941 2014-05-21
GraduationDesign.sln 921 2015-01-27
GraduationDesign.v11.suo 69120 2015-01-27
Program.cs 527 2014-10-26
Properties 0 2015-01-26
Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs 1352 2014-02-26
Properties\Resources.Designer.cs 3233 2014-03-18
Properties\Resources.resx 6189 2014-03-18
Properties\Settings.Designer.cs 1103 2014-02-26
Properties\Settings.settings 249 2014-02-26
bin 0 2014-11-15
bin\Debug 0 2015-01-26
bin\Debug\01.png 993 2012-12-07
bin\Debug\1.jpg 260780 2014-03-20
bin\Debug\GraduationDesign.exe 382464 2015-01-26
bin\Debug\GraduationDesign.exe.config 187 2014-02-26
bin\Debug\GraduationDesign.pdb 189952 2015-01-26
bin\Debug\GraduationDesign.vshost.exe 22984 2015-01-27
bin\Debug\GraduationDesign.vshost.exe.config 187 2014-02-26
bin\Debug\GraduationDesign.vshost.exe.manifest 490 2012-06-02
bin\Debug\picture 0 2014-11-15
bin\Debug\picture\1.bmp 767 2013-12-31
bin\Debug\picture\10.bmp 767 2014-02-26
bin\Debug\picture\11.bmp 786 2014-02-26
bin\Debug\picture\12.bmp 796 2014-02-26
bin\Debug\picture\13.bmp 736 2014-02-26
bin\Debug\picture\15.bmp 819 2014-02-26
bin\Debug\picture\16.bmp 805 2014-02-26
bin\Debug\picture\17.bmp 749 2014-02-26
bin\Debug\picture\18.bmp 771 2014-02-26
bin\Debug\picture\19.bmp 801 2014-02-26
bin\Debug\picture\2.bmp 831 2013-12-31
bin\Debug\picture\20.bmp 818 2014-02-26
bin\Debug\picture\21.bmp 755 2014-02-26
bin\Debug\picture\22.bmp 788 2014-02-26
bin\Debug\picture\23.bmp 781 2014-02-26
bin\Debug\picture\24.bmp 789 2014-02-26
bin\Debug\picture\25.bmp 821 2014-02-26
bin\Debug\picture\26.bmp 764 2014-02-26
bin\Debug\picture\27.bmp 766 2014-02-26
bin\Debug\picture\28.bmp 761 2014-02-26
bin\Debug\picture\29.bmp 807 2014-02-26
bin\Debug\picture\3.bmp 853 2013-12-31
bin\Debug\picture\30.bmp 772 2014-02-26
bin\Debug\picture\31.bmp 801 2014-02-26
bin\Debug\picture\32.bmp 909 2014-02-26
bin\Debug\picture\33.bmp 789 2014-02-26
bin\Debug\picture\34.bmp 790 2014-02-26
bin\Debug\picture\35.bmp 822 2014-02-26
bin\Debug\picture\36.bmp 762 2014-02-26
bin\Debug\picture\37.bmp 825 2014-02-26
bin\Debug\picture\38.bmp 742 2014-02-26
bin\Debug\picture\39.bmp 766 2014-02-26
bin\Debug\picture\4.bmp 817 2014-02-26
bin\Debug\picture\40.bmp 812 2013-12-28
bin\Debug\picture\41.bmp 771 2013-12-28
bin\Debug\picture\5.bmp 818 2014-02-26
bin\Debug\picture\6.bmp 823 2014-02-26
bin\Debug\picture\7.bmp 783 2014-02-26
bin\Debug\picture\8.bmp 781 2014-02-26
bin\Debug\picture\9.bmp 767 2014-02-26
bin\Release 0 2015-01-27
buyticket.Designer.cs 64743 2014-12-25
buyticket.cs 23148 2015-01-27
buyticket.resx 12948 2014-12-25
fangpiao.Designer.cs 14225 2014-05-21
fangpiao.cs 6053 2015-01-27
fangpiao.resx 6389 2014-05-21
find.Designer.cs 23913 2014-05-21
find.cs 11003 2015-01-27
find.resx 13842 2014-12-25
from.gif 4945 2014-04-30
fukuan.Designer.cs 8114 2014-03-03
fukuan.cs 4341 2014-03-14
fukuan.resx 5817 2014-03-03
login.Designer.cs 13250 2014-04-01
login.cs 8677 2015-01-27
login.resx 11015 2014-04-01
obj 0 2014-11-15
obj\Debug 0 2015-01-26
obj\Debug\DesignTimeResolveAssemblyReferences.cache 8371 2014-05-21
obj\Debug\DesignTimeResolveAssemblyReferencesInput.cache 7543 2015-01-26
obj\Debug\GraduationDesign.Properties.Resources.resources 261266 2014-05-21
obj\Debug\GraduationDesign.buyticket.resources 4852 2015-01-26
obj\Debug\GraduationDesign.csproj.FileListAbsolute.txt 7454 2015-01-27
obj\Debug\GraduationDesign.csproj.GenerateResource.Cache 1489 2015-01-26
obj\Debug\GraduationDesign.csprojResolveAssemblyReference.cache 3936 2015-01-26
obj\Debug\GraduationDesign.exe 382464 2015-01-26
obj\Debug\GraduationDesign.fangpiao.resources 180 2014-05-21
obj\Debug\GraduationDesign.find.resources 4852 2015-01-26
obj\Debug\GraduationDesign.fukuan.resources 180 2014-05-21
obj\Debug\GraduationDesign.login.resources 3828 2014-05-21
obj\Debug\GraduationDesign.pdb 189952 2015-01-26
obj\Debug\GraduationDesign.registration.resources 4852 2015-01-26
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