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  • Category : VHDL-FPGA-Verilog
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  • Update : 2018-01-08
  • Size : 3.23mb
  • Downloaded :0次
  • Author :小****
  • About : Nobody
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Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
The read and write erasure commands of the serial flash communicate through the SPI interface. The CPU chip communicates with the FPGA through the SPI interface. Other functional integrated circuit chip parameters register configuration. For example,there are many registers in the DAC chip (because the chip has many functions. We need to configure it by setting up different registers to open or close the corresponding functions, and initializing registers on the battery. FPGA also reads the data by configuring the chip, and configures the SRAM inside the FPGA. FPGA is a serial FLASH read the data inside,read check after all the configuration to the FPGA SRAM to). The speed is faster than the serial port, and it is synchronous transmission.
Packet file list
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spi_master 0 2018-01-08
spi_master\doc 0 2018-01-08
spi_master\doc\SPI接口应用.docx 268562 2017-10-13
spi_master\doc\~$PI接口应用.docx 162 2018-01-08
spi_master\img 0 2018-01-08
spi_master\prj 0 2018-01-08
spi_master\prj\db 0 2018-01-08
spi_master\prj\db\altsyncram_9vb1.tdf 16244 2017-10-11
spi_master\prj\db\altsyncram_gmk1.tdf 21487 2017-10-11
spi_master\prj\db\logic_util_heursitic.dat 0 2017-10-12
spi_master\prj\db\prev_cmp_spi.qmsg 12288 2017-10-12
spi_master\prj\db\spi.(0).cnf.cdb 8665 2017-10-12
spi_master\prj\db\spi.(0).cnf.hdb 1810 2017-10-12
spi_master\prj\db\spi.(1).cnf.cdb 2113 2017-10-11
spi_master\prj\db\spi.(1).cnf.hdb 1179 2017-10-11
spi_master\prj\db\spi.(2).cnf.cdb 1925 2017-10-11
spi_master\prj\db\spi.(2).cnf.hdb 814 2017-10-11
spi_master\prj\db\spi.(3).cnf.cdb 2198 2017-10-11
spi_master\prj\db\spi.(3).cnf.hdb 857 2017-10-11
spi_master\prj\db\spi.(4).cnf.cdb 1630 2017-10-11
spi_master\prj\db\spi.(4).cnf.hdb 801 2017-10-11
spi_master\prj\db\spi.(5).cnf.cdb 2062 2017-10-11
spi_master\prj\db\spi.(5).cnf.hdb 790 2017-10-11
spi_master\prj\db\spi.cbx.xml 212 2017-10-12
spi_master\prj\db\spi.cmp.rdb 8189 2017-10-12
spi_master\prj\db\spi.cmp_merge.kpt 219 2017-10-12
spi_master\prj\db\spi.db_info 155 2017-10-13
spi_master\prj\db\spi.hier_info 11084 2017-10-12
spi_master\prj\db\spi.hif 2019 2017-10-12
spi_master\prj\db\spi.ipinfo 328 2017-10-13
spi_master\prj\db\spi.lpc.html 823 2017-10-12
spi_master\prj\db\spi.lpc.rdb 519 2017-10-12
spi_master\prj\db\spi.lpc.txt 1976 2017-10-12
spi_master\prj\db\ 138 2017-10-12
spi_master\prj\db\ 623 2017-10-12
spi_master\prj\db\ 8793 2017-10-12
spi_master\prj\db\ 14808 2017-10-12
spi_master\prj\db\ 1752 2017-10-12
spi_master\prj\db\ 4 2017-10-12
spi_master\prj\db\ 12288 2017-10-12
spi_master\prj\db\ 1257 2017-10-12
spi_master\prj\db\spi.map_bb.cdb 1799 2017-10-12
spi_master\prj\db\spi.map_bb.hdb 10317 2017-10-12
spi_master\prj\db\spi.map_bb.logdb 4 2017-10-12
spi_master\prj\db\spi.pre_map.hdb 16387 2017-10-12
spi_master\prj\db\spi.pti_db_list.ddb 192 2017-10-12
spi_master\prj\db\ 209 2017-10-12
spi_master\prj\db\spi.rpp.qmsg 2141 2017-10-12
spi_master\prj\db\spi.rtlv.hdb 15732 2017-10-12
spi_master\prj\db\spi.rtlv_sg.cdb 14292 2017-10-12
spi_master\prj\db\spi.rtlv_sg_swap.cdb 2057 2017-10-12
spi_master\prj\db\spi.sgate.rvd 9464 2017-10-12
spi_master\prj\db\spi.sgate_sm.rvd 3086 2017-10-12
spi_master\prj\db\spi.sgdiff.cdb 8744 2017-10-12
spi_master\prj\db\spi.sgdiff.hdb 14608 2017-10-12
spi_master\prj\db\spi.sld_design_entry.sci 217 2017-10-13
spi_master\prj\db\spi.sld_design_entry_dsc.sci 217 2017-10-12
spi_master\prj\db\spi.smart_action.txt 5 2017-10-12
spi_master\prj\db\spi.smp_dump.txt 211 2017-10-12
spi_master\prj\db\spi.syn_hier_info 0 2017-10-12
spi_master\prj\db\spi.tis_db_list.ddb 192 2017-10-12
spi_master\prj\db\spi.tmw_info 58 2017-10-13
spi_master\prj\greybox_tmp 0 2018-01-08
spi_master\prj\greybox_tmp\cbx_args.txt 322 2017-10-12
spi_master\prj\incremental_db 0 2018-01-08
spi_master\prj\incremental_db\README 653 2017-10-11
spi_master\prj\incremental_db\compiled_partitions 0 2018-01-08
spi_master\prj\incremental_db\compiled_partitions\spi.db_info 155 2017-10-11
spi_master\prj\incremental_db\compiled_partitions\ 8769 2017-10-12
spi_master\prj\incremental_db\compiled_partitions\ 2100 2017-10-12
spi_master\prj\incremental_db\compiled_partitions\ 1305 2017-10-12
spi_master\prj\incremental_db\compiled_partitions\ 46 2017-10-12
spi_master\prj\incremental_db\compiled_partitions\ 14450 2017-10-12
spi_master\prj\incremental_db\compiled_partitions\ 32 2017-10-12
spi_master\prj\incremental_db\compiled_partitions\ 15165 2017-10-12
spi_master\prj\incremental_db\compiled_partitions\ 1772 2017-10-12
spi_master\prj\ip 0 2018-01-08
spi_master\prj\ip\greybox_tmp 0 2018-01-08
spi_master\prj\ip\greybox_tmp\cbx_args.txt 324 2017-10-11
spi_master\prj\ip\ram.mif 1849 2017-10-11
spi_master\prj\ip\ram_spi.qip 282 2017-10-11
spi_master\prj\ip\ram_spi.v 7166 2017-10-11
spi_master\prj\ip\ram_spi_bb.v 5720 2017-10-11
spi_master\prj\output_files 0 2018-01-08
spi_master\prj\output_files\spi.done 26 2017-10-12
spi_master\prj\output_files\spi.flow.rpt 7555 2017-10-12
spi_master\prj\output_files\ 41365 2017-10-12
spi_master\prj\output_files\ 203 2017-10-11
spi_master\prj\output_files\ 323 2017-10-12
spi_master\prj\ram_spi.qip 0 2017-10-12
spi_master\prj\simulation 0 2018-01-08
spi_master\prj\simulation\modelsim 0 2018-01-08
spi_master\prj\simulation\modelsim\modelsim.ini 90363 2017-10-12
spi_master\prj\simulation\modelsim\msim_transcript 29691 2017-10-12
spi_master\prj\simulation\modelsim\ram.mif 1849 2017-10-11
spi_master\prj\simulation\modelsim\ram.ver 336 2017-10-12
spi_master\prj\simulation\modelsim\rtl_work 0 2018-01-08
spi_master\prj\simulation\modelsim\rtl_work\@_opt 0 2018-01-08
spi_master\prj\simulation\modelsim\rtl_work\@_opt\_lib.qdb 49152 2017-10-12
spi_master\prj\simulation\modelsim\rtl_work\@_opt\_lib1_0.qdb 32768 2017-10-12
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