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  • Category : VHDL-FPGA-Verilog
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  • Update : 2018-01-11
  • Size : 2.31mb
  • Downloaded :0次
  • Author :缘***
  • About : Nobody
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Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
Implement vga using verilog,which is including the text contents.
Packet file list
(Preview for download)
VGA_text\cntrl_summary.html 2054 2008-03-23
VGA_text\coregen.cgp 535 2008-03-23
VGA_text\coregen.log 386 2008-03-23
VGA_text\coregen.rsp 434 2008-03-23
VGA_text\hzk.asy 335 2008-03-23
VGA_text\hzk.coe 41533 2007-08-20
VGA_text\hzk.edn 70499 2008-03-23
VGA_text\hzk.mif 147456 2008-03-23
VGA_text\ 44221 2008-03-23
VGA_text\hzk.sym 565 2008-03-23
VGA_text\hzk.v 4143 2008-03-23
VGA_text\hzk.veo 2951 2008-03-23
VGA_text\hzk.vhd 4356 2008-03-23
VGA_text\hzk.vho 3522 2008-03-23
VGA_text\hzk.xco 1388 2008-03-23
VGA_text\Hzk16.coe 670594 2007-07-24
VGA_text\hzk_flist.txt 128 2008-03-23
VGA_text\hzk_readme.txt 1833 2008-03-23
VGA_text\iseconfig\VGA_text.projectmgr 6655 2018-01-04
VGA_text\iseconfig\vga_text.xreport 8209 2018-01-04
VGA_text\prjname.lso 6 2008-03-22
VGA_text\ps2_cntrl.v 3940 2005-09-22
VGA_text\read_ps2.bld 12124 2008-03-22
VGA_text\read_ps2.cmd_log 1489 2008-03-22
VGA_text\read_ps2.lfp 0 2008-03-22
VGA_text\read_ps2.lso 6 2008-03-22
VGA_text\read_ps2.ngc 24226 2008-03-22
VGA_text\read_ps2.ngr 110761 2008-03-22
VGA_text\read_ps2.prj 55 2008-03-22
VGA_text\read_ps2.stx 0 2008-03-22
VGA_text\read_ps2.syr 19857 2008-03-22
VGA_text\read_ps2.v 4654 2005-09-24
VGA_text\read_ps2.xst 1056 2008-03-22
VGA_text\read_ps2_vhdl.prj 0 2008-03-22
VGA_text\templates\coregen.xml 2383 2008-03-23
VGA_text\vgacore.v 7209 2008-03-23
VGA_text\vga_cntrl.v 3885 2008-03-23
VGA_text\vga_int.prj 31 2008-03-22
VGA_text\vga_int.stx 768 2008-03-22
VGA_text\vga_int.xst 73 2008-03-22
VGA_text\vga_interface.v 1258 2007-08-20
VGA_text\vga_interface.vhd 2079 2008-03-22
VGA_text\vga_interface_b.vhd 2081 2007-08-20
VGA_text\vga_int_vhdl.prj 56 2008-03-22
VGA_text\vga_text.bgn 6054 2008-03-23
VGA_text\vga_text.bit 131026 2008-03-23
VGA_text\vga_text.bld 884 2008-03-23
VGA_text\vga_text.cel 0 2008-03-22
VGA_text\vga_text.cmd_log 65512 2008-03-23
VGA_text\vga_text.drc 934 2008-03-23
VGA_text\VGA_text.gise 1059 2018-01-04
VGA_text\VGA_text.ipf 2782 2008-03-23
VGA_text\VGA_text.ise_ISE_Backup 858417 2008-03-23
VGA_text\vga_text.lso 6 2008-03-22
VGA_text\vga_text.ncd 145830 2008-03-23
VGA_text\vga_text.ngc 103492 2008-03-23
VGA_text\vga_text.ngd 226008 2008-03-23
VGA_text\vga_text.ngr 113011 2008-03-23
VGA_text\vga_text.pad 11901 2008-03-23
VGA_text\vga_text.par 8187 2008-03-23
VGA_text\vga_text.pcf 6943 2008-03-23
VGA_text\vga_text.prj 372 2008-03-23
VGA_text\vga_text.stx 1644 2008-03-23
VGA_text\vga_text.syr 38806 2008-03-23
VGA_text\vga_text.twr 10802 2008-03-23
VGA_text\vga_text.twx 23923 2008-03-23
VGA_text\vga_text.ucf 1428 2008-03-22
VGA_text\vga_text.unroutes 289 2008-03-23
VGA_text\vga_text.ut 491 2008-03-23
VGA_text\vga_text.v 2222 2008-03-23
VGA_text\VGA_text.xise 36408 2018-01-04
VGA_text\vga_text.xpi 45 2008-03-23
VGA_text\vga_text.xst 1056 2008-03-23
VGA_text\vga_text_b.ucf 1268 2008-03-22
VGA_text\ 1438865 2018-01-04
VGA_text\vga_text_last_par.ncd 145886 2008-03-23
VGA_text\vga_text_map.mrp 13569 2008-03-23
VGA_text\vga_text_map.ncd 100210 2008-03-23
VGA_text\vga_text_map.ngm 372377 2008-03-23
VGA_text\vga_text_pad.csv 11933 2008-03-23
VGA_text\vga_text_pad.txt 52547 2008-03-23
VGA_text\vga_text_summary.html 8657 2018-01-04
VGA_text\VGA_txte.ipf 2764 2008-03-23
VGA_text\vram.asy 511 2008-03-23
VGA_text\vram.coe 4893 2008-03-23
VGA_text\vram.edn 29430 2008-03-23
VGA_text\vram.log 158 2008-03-23
VGA_text\vram.mif 16800 2008-03-23
VGA_text\ 9002 2008-03-23
VGA_text\vram.sym 832 2008-03-23
VGA_text\vram.v 4199 2008-03-23
VGA_text\vram.veo 2978 2008-03-23
VGA_text\vram.vhd 4519 2008-03-23
VGA_text\vram.vho 3619 2008-03-23
VGA_text\vram.xco 1395 2008-03-23
VGA_text\vram_flist.txt 139 2008-03-23
VGA_text\vram_readme.txt 1844 2008-03-23
VGA_text\write_vram.v 914 2008-03-23
VGA_text\_impact.cmd 431 2008-03-23
VGA_text\_impact.log 4490 2008-03-23
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  • We are an exchange download platform that only provides communication channels. The downloaded content comes from the internet. Except for download issues, please Google on your own.
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