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  • Category : Communication
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  • Update : 2018-01-15
  • Size : 314kb
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  • Author :tqfp$******
  • About : Nobody
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Packet file list
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ReadMe.txt 4287 2002-11-12
使用注意.txt 141 2002-11-26
Alert.h 1500 2002-11-15
AlertDoc.h 1464 2002-11-12
alertview.h 2910 2002-11-16
BufDlg.h 1488 2002-11-15
ChjDlg.h 1499 2002-11-15
CommSettingDlg.h 1499 2002-11-14
LogDlg.h 1411 2002-11-16
MainFrm.h 1622 2002-11-16
mscomm.h 3221 2002-11-13
msdgridctrl.h 4752 2002-11-12
rdc.h 4032 2002-11-12
Regkey.h 1861 2002-11-14
Resource.h 2659 2002-11-16
SetPara2Dlg.h 1454 2002-11-15
SetPara3Dlg.h 1665 2002-11-16
setparadlg.h 1383 2002-11-15
StdAfx.h 1113 2004-03-04
WinIo.h 1092 2002-03-01
AlertDoc.cpp 1722 2002-11-12
AlertView.cpp 14747 2002-11-16
BufDlg.cpp 8604 2002-11-15
ChjDlg.cpp 10289 2002-11-15
CommSettingDlg.cpp 3917 2002-11-16
jAlert.cpp 5733 2002-11-16
LogDlg.cpp 6678 2002-11-16
MainFrm.cpp 2365 2002-11-16
mscomm.cpp 8569 2002-11-13
msdgridctrl.cpp 14077 2002-11-12
rdc.cpp 12292 2002-11-12
Regkey.cpp 3529 2002-11-14
SetPara2Dlg.cpp 6141 2002-11-16
SetPara3Dlg.cpp 6623 2002-11-18
SetParaDlg.cpp 5566 2002-11-16
StdAfx.cpp 207 2002-11-12
msado15.dll 487424 2002-10-07
WinIo.dll 49152 2002-03-02
WinIo.lib 3858 2002-03-02
WinIo.sys 4944 2002-03-01
res\Toolbar.bmp 2166 2002-11-17
ZAlert.clw 7821 2002-11-17
DAlert.dsp 6971 2004-03-04
Alert.dsw 667 2002-11-13
res\Alert.ico 1078 2002-11-12
res\AlertDoc.ico 1078 2002-11-12
db1.mdb 188416 2002-11-17
Alert.ncb 353280 2004-03-04
Alert.opt 48640 2004-03-04
Alert.plg 2988 2004-03-04
Alert.rc 23151 2002-11-17
res\Alert.rc2 397 2002-11-12
WINIO.VXD 5174 2002-03-02
res 0 2017-12-24
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