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  • Category : Com Port
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  • Update : 2018-01-19
  • Size : 45.38mb
  • Downloaded :0次
  • Author :whyv*****
  • About : Nobody
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Serial debug
Packet file list
(Preview for download)
SCOMMV23 0 2017-12-18
SCOMMV23\AnimateDlgIcon.cpp 1833 1998-12-23
SCOMMV23\AnimateDlgIcon.h 980 1998-12-23
SCOMMV23\Debug 0 2017-11-22
SCOMMV23\Debug\AnimateDlgIcon.obj 6349 2017-11-22
SCOMMV23\Debug\ 53038 2017-11-22
SCOMMV23\Debug\CL.write.1.tlog 5890 2017-11-22
SCOMMV23\Debug\HYPERLINK.obj 109042 2017-11-22
SCOMMV23\Debug\PushPin.obj 30205 2017-11-22
SCOMMV23\Debug\SCOMM.Build.CppClean.log 2454 2017-11-21
SCOMMV23\Debug\SCOMM.exe 6313472 2017-11-22
SCOMMV23\Debug\SCOMM.exe.embed.manifest 667 2017-11-21
SCOMMV23\Debug\SCOMM.exe.embed.manifest.res 732 2017-11-22
SCOMMV23\Debug\SCOMM.exe.intermediate.manifest 381 2017-11-22
SCOMMV23\Debug\SCOMM.ilk 14843164 2017-11-22
SCOMMV23\Debug\SCOMM.lastbuildstate 64 2017-11-22
SCOMMV23\Debug\SCOMM.log 1180 2017-11-22
SCOMMV23\Debug\SCOMM.obj 37961 2017-11-22
SCOMMV23\Debug\SCOMM.pch 20054016 2017-11-22
SCOMMV23\Debug\SCOMM.pdb 22105088 2017-11-22
SCOMMV23\Debug\SCOMM.res 22516 2017-11-22
SCOMMV23\Debug\SCOMMDlg.obj 206223 2017-11-22
SCOMMV23\Debug\SCOMM_manifest.rc 206 2017-11-21
SCOMMV23\Debug\SerialPort.obj 37347 2017-11-22
SCOMMV23\Debug\StdAfx.obj 550096 2017-11-22
SCOMMV23\Debug\cl.command.1.tlog 10526 2017-11-22
SCOMMV23\Debug\ 2 2017-11-22
SCOMMV23\Debug\link-cvtres.write.1.tlog 2 2017-11-22
SCOMMV23\Debug\ 2 2017-11-22
SCOMMV23\Debug\link.1036-cvtres.write.1.tlog 2 2017-11-22
SCOMMV23\Debug\ 2 2017-11-22
SCOMMV23\Debug\link.1036.write.1.tlog 2 2017-11-22
SCOMMV23\Debug\link.command.1.tlog 4210 2017-11-22
SCOMMV23\Debug\ 10966 2017-11-22
SCOMMV23\Debug\link.write.1.tlog 2912 2017-11-22
SCOMMV23\Debug\mt.command.1.tlog 1116 2017-11-22
SCOMMV23\Debug\ 1090 2017-11-22
SCOMMV23\Debug\mt.write.1.tlog 434 2017-11-22
SCOMMV23\Debug\rc.command.1.tlog 1990 2017-11-22
SCOMMV23\Debug\ 9848 2017-11-22
SCOMMV23\Debug\rc.write.1.tlog 914 2017-11-22
SCOMMV23\Debug\vc100.idb 1092608 2017-11-22
SCOMMV23\Debug\vc100.pdb 2297856 2017-11-22
SCOMMV23\HYPERLINK.CPP 13096 1998-08-12
SCOMMV23\HYPERLINK.H 3323 1998-08-12
SCOMMV23\LABEL.CPP 4622 1998-05-27
SCOMMV23\LABEL.H 2093 1998-05-27
SCOMMV23\PushPin.cpp 5893 2001-06-23
SCOMMV23\PushPin.h 1310 2001-06-23
SCOMMV23\RES 0 2017-11-21
SCOMMV23\RES\ANIM.BMP 694 2001-06-24
SCOMMV23\RES\COMM.ICO 1078 2001-05-16
SCOMMV23\RES\CURSOR1.CUR 326 2001-05-17
SCOMMV23\RES\GJWTECH1.ICO 3262 2002-08-26
SCOMMV23\RES\GREEN.ICO 766 2000-12-09
SCOMMV23\RES\ICON_GRE.ICO 3262 2001-06-09
SCOMMV23\RES\ICON_NOT.ICO 1078 1998-04-24
SCOMMV23\RES\ICON_ON.ICO 1078 1998-04-24
SCOMMV23\RES\ICON_ON1.ICO 766 2001-06-07
SCOMMV23\RES\OFF.ICO 766 2000-12-09
SCOMMV23\RES\Pinned.bmp 238 2001-06-24
SCOMMV23\RES\Pinned2.bmp 238 2001-06-23
SCOMMV23\RES\RED.ICO 766 2000-12-09
SCOMMV23\RES\SCOMM.RC2 397 2001-05-16
SCOMMV23\RES\UNPINNED.BMP 238 2001-06-23
SCOMMV23\RES\choosepath.ico 3262 2001-06-03
SCOMMV23\RES\icon_not1.ico 766 2001-06-07
SCOMMV23\RES\xiaofengstudio.bmp 11654 2001-06-24
SCOMMV23\RES\xiaofengstudio.ico 3262 2001-05-17
SCOMMV23\ReadMe.txt 3561 2001-05-16
SCOMMV23\SCOMM.APS 35304 2017-12-18
SCOMMV23\SCOMM.DSP 5257 2004-02-18
SCOMMV23\SCOMM.DSW 533 2001-05-16
SCOMMV23\SCOMM.H 1311 2001-06-12
SCOMMV23\SCOMM.NCB 484352 2004-08-04
SCOMMV23\SCOMM.clw 3729 2004-08-04
SCOMMV23\SCOMM.plg 2130 2004-08-02
SCOMMV23\SCOMM.rc 11804 2017-11-21
SCOMMV23\SCOMM.sdf 51335168 2017-12-18
SCOMMV23\SCOMM.sln 876 2017-11-22
SCOMMV23\SCOMM.suo 18944 2017-12-18
SCOMMV23\SCOMM.vcxproj 8532 2017-11-22
SCOMMV23\SCOMM.vcxproj.filters 3727 2017-11-22
SCOMMV23\SCOMM.vcxproj.user 143 2017-11-20
SCOMMV23\SCOMMDlg.cpp 29536 2017-11-21
SCOMMV23\SCOMMDlg.h 4024 2017-11-20
SCOMMV23\Scomm.cpp 2521 2002-08-26
SCOMMV23\Scomm.opt 108544 2004-08-04
SCOMMV23\SerialPort.cpp 19306 2017-11-21
SCOMMV23\SerialPort.h 2747 2004-02-20
SCOMMV23\StdAfx.cpp 207 2001-05-16
SCOMMV23\StdAfx.h 1109 2001-06-17
SCOMMV23\ipch 0 2017-11-21
SCOMMV23\ipch\scomm-3edd1839 0 2017-11-21
SCOMMV23\ipch\scomm-3edd1839\scomm-e4208755.ipch 69140480 2017-11-21
SCOMMV23\resource.h 3381 2017-11-21
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