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  • Update : 2018-01-19
  • Size : 366kb
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  • Author :ki***
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Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
this is working code of DAC for sparten 3E
Packet file list
(Preview for download)
dac\.lso 6 2013-08-22
dac\dac.cdc 663 2013-08-16
dac\dac.cmd_log 78 2014-06-12
dac\dac.gise 8832 2017-09-15
dac\dac.lso 6 2014-06-12
dac\dac.ngc 8016 2014-06-12
dac\dac.ngr 5665 2014-06-12
dac\dac.prj 21 2014-06-12
dac\dac.stx 0 2014-06-12
dac\dac.syr 22545 2014-06-12
dac\dac.ucf 1050 2013-09-06
dac\dac.vhd 3164 2013-09-17
dac\dac.xise 33551 2016-10-15
dac\dac.xst 1128 2014-06-12
dac\dac_beh.prj 21 2014-05-08
dac\dac_isim_beh.exe 82432 2014-05-08
dac\dac_isim_beh.wdb 10838714 2014-05-08
dac\dac_summary.html 4079 2013-08-16
dac\dac_top.bgn 4592 2013-08-23
dac\dac_top.bit 283868 2013-08-23
dac\DAC_TOP.bld 1008 2013-08-23
dac\DAC_TOP.cmd_log 23372 2013-08-23
dac\dac_top.drc 185 2013-08-23
dac\DAC_TOP.lso 6 2013-08-23
dac\DAC_TOP.ncd 10170 2013-08-23
dac\DAC_TOP.ngc 7745 2013-08-23
dac\DAC_TOP.ngd 14108 2013-08-23
dac\DAC_TOP.ngr 5111 2013-08-23
dac\DAC_TOP.pad 13054 2013-08-23
dac\DAC_TOP.par 7829 2013-08-23
dac\DAC_TOP.pcf 845 2013-08-23
dac\DAC_TOP.prj 21 2013-08-23
dac\DAC_TOP.ptwx 17496 2013-08-23
dac\DAC_TOP.stx 0 2013-08-23
dac\DAC_TOP.syr 22591 2013-08-23
dac\DAC_TOP.twr 2859 2013-08-23
dac\DAC_TOP.twx 19253 2013-08-23
dac\DAC_TOP.unroutes 154 2013-08-23
dac\DAC_TOP.ut 395 2013-08-23
dac\DAC_TOP.xpi 46 2013-08-23
dac\DAC_TOP.xst 1140 2013-08-23
dac\DAC_TOP_bitgen.xwbt 255 2013-08-23
dac\DAC_TOP_cs.blc 869 2013-08-21
dac\DAC_TOP_cs.ngc 7522 2013-08-21
dac\DAC_TOP_envsettings.html 9383 2017-09-15
dac\DAC_TOP_guide.ncd 10170 2013-08-23
dac\DAC_TOP_isim_beh.exe 82432 2013-08-23
dac\ 2412 2013-08-23
dac\DAC_TOP_map.mrp 7058 2013-08-23
dac\DAC_TOP_map.ncd 6585 2013-08-23
dac\DAC_TOP_map.ngm 26225 2013-08-23
dac\DAC_TOP_map.xrpt 16282 2013-08-23
dac\DAC_TOP_ngdbuild.xrpt 6394 2013-08-23
dac\DAC_TOP_pad.csv 13086 2013-08-23
dac\DAC_TOP_pad.txt 62956 2013-08-23
dac\DAC_TOP_par.xrpt 146477 2013-08-23
dac\DAC_TOP_summary.html 10251 2017-09-15
dac\DAC_TOP_summary.xml 409 2013-08-23
dac\DAC_TOP_usage.xml 12936 2013-08-23
dac\DAC_TOP_vhdl.prj 55 2013-08-23
dac\DAC_TOP_xst.xrpt 12243 2013-08-23
dac\dac_vhdl.prj 35 2014-06-12
dac\dac_xst.xrpt 12614 2014-06-12
dac\fuse.log 892 2014-05-08
dac\fuse.xmsgs 367 2014-05-08
dac\fuseRelaunch.cmd 111 2014-05-08
dac\iseconfig\dac.projectmgr 9625 2017-09-15
dac\iseconfig\dac.xreport 20985 2017-09-15
dac\iseconfig\DAC_TOP.xreport 20843 2013-08-29
dac\isim\dac_isim_beh.exe.sim\dac_isim_beh.exe 154380 2014-05-08
dac\isim\dac_isim_beh.exe.sim\isimcrash.log 0 2014-05-08
dac\isim\dac_isim_beh.exe.sim\ISimEngine-DesignHierarchy.dbg 7380 2014-05-08
dac\isim\dac_isim_beh.exe.sim\isimkernel.log 560 2014-05-08
dac\isim\dac_isim_beh.exe.sim\netId.dat 244 2014-05-08
dac\isim\dac_isim_beh.exe.sim\tmp_save\_1 3212 2014-05-08
dac\isim\dac_isim_beh.exe.sim\work\a_3854940065_3854940065.c 15692 2014-05-08
dac\isim\dac_isim_beh.exe.sim\work\a_3854940065_3854940065.didat 7340 2014-05-08
dac\isim\dac_isim_beh.exe.sim\work\a_3854940065_3854940065.nt.obj 6249 2014-05-08
dac\isim\dac_isim_beh.exe.sim\work\dac_isim_beh.exe_main.c 1553 2014-05-08
dac\isim\dac_isim_beh.exe.sim\work\dac_isim_beh.exe_main.nt.obj 1551 2014-05-08
dac\isim\isim_usage_statistics.html 1676 2014-05-08
dac\isim\pn_info 6 2014-05-08
dac\isim\precompiled.exe.sim\ieee\p_1242562249.c 806706 2014-05-08
dac\isim\precompiled.exe.sim\ieee\p_1242562249.didat 8408 2014-05-08
dac\isim\precompiled.exe.sim\ieee\p_1242562249.nt.obj 120352 2014-05-08
dac\isim\precompiled.exe.sim\ieee\p_2592010699.c 196132 2014-05-08
dac\isim\precompiled.exe.sim\ieee\p_2592010699.didat 5704 2014-05-08
dac\isim\precompiled.exe.sim\ieee\p_2592010699.nt.obj 28574 2014-05-08
dac\isim\work\dac.vdb 9626 2014-05-08
dac\isim.cmd 44 2014-05-08
dac\isim.log 612 2014-05-08
dac\usage_statistics_webtalk.html 67362 2013-08-23
dac\webtalk.log 721 2013-08-23
dac\webtalk_pn.xml 3624 2014-06-12
dac\xilinxsim.ini 16 2014-05-08
dac\xlnx_auto_0_xdb\cst.xbcd 2074 2013-08-23
dac\xst\work\hdllib.ref 117 2014-06-12
dac\xst\work\hdpdeps.ref 267 2014-06-12
dac\xst\work\sub00\vhpl00.vho 1441 2014-06-12
dac\xst\work\sub00\vhpl01.vho 6358 2014-06-12
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