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  • Update : 2018-01-25
  • Size : 742kb
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  • Author :nay***
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SMGP 3.0.pdf 230535 2007-06-11
SMGPGateway.sln 1854 2007-07-24
SMGPGateway.suo 78848 2007-07-24
SMGP3_0\bin\Debug\CSocket.dll 36864 2007-07-09
SMGP3_0\bin\Debug\SMGP3_0.dll 40960 2007-07-24
SMGP3_0\bin\Debug\SMGP3_0.pdb 110080 2007-07-24
SMGP3_0\bin\Debug\SMPP.dll 28672 2007-07-24
SMGP3_0\bin\Debug\SMPP.pdb 110080 2007-07-24
SMGP3_0\bin\Debug 0 2007-07-14
SMGP3_0\bin 0 2007-06-26
SMGP3_0\DataBuffer.cs 1923 2007-06-25
SMGP3_0\Initialize.cs 5380 2007-06-26
SMGP3_0\obj\Debug\Refactor\SMGP3_0.dll 24576 2007-06-28
SMGP3_0\obj\Debug\Refactor 0 2007-06-28
SMGP3_0\obj\Debug\ResolveAssemblyReference.cache 8259 2007-07-24
SMGP3_0\obj\Debug\SMGP3_0.csproj.GenerateResource.Cache 771 2007-06-23
SMGP3_0\obj\Debug\SMGP3_0.dll 40960 2007-07-24
SMGP3_0\obj\Debug\SMGP3_0.pdb 110080 2007-07-24
SMGP3_0\obj\Debug\SMGP3_0.SMGPConnection.resources 180 2007-07-24
SMGP3_0\obj\Debug\TempPE 0 2007-06-18
SMGP3_0\obj\Debug 0 2007-07-24
SMGP3_0\obj\SMGP3_0.csproj.FileList.txt 290 2007-07-24
SMGP3_0\obj 0 2007-06-18
SMGP3_0\PackList.cs 2271 2007-06-23
SMGP3_0\Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs 1317 2007-06-18
SMGP3_0\Properties 0 2007-06-18
SMGP3_0\Public.cs 371 2007-07-14
SMGP3_0\SMGP3_0.cs 14621 2007-07-24
SMGP3_0\SMGP3_0.csproj 3638 2007-07-14
SMGP3_0\SMGP3_0.Designer.cs 1470 2007-06-27
SMGP3_0\SMGP3_0.resx 6185 2007-06-23
SMGP3_0\SMGPBody.cs 212 2007-06-26
SMGP3_0\SMGPBody_Active.cs 264 2007-06-23
SMGP3_0\SMGPBody_Active_Resp.cs 274 2007-06-23
SMGP3_0\SMGPBody_Deliver.cs 3162 2007-06-26
SMGP3_0\SMGPBody_Deliver_Resp.cs 849 2007-06-25
SMGP3_0\SMGPBody_Exit.cs 260 2007-06-26
SMGP3_0\SMGPBody_Exit_Resp.cs 270 2007-06-26
SMGP3_0\SMGPBody_Login.cs 1703 2007-06-23
SMGP3_0\SMGPBody_Login_Resp.cs 1161 2007-06-22
SMGP3_0\SMGPBody_Submit.cs 5640 2007-06-26
SMGP3_0\SMGPBody_Submit_Resp.cs 841 2007-06-23
SMGP3_0\SMGPBody_Unknow.cs 464 2007-06-25
SMGP3_0\SMGPHeader.cs 760 2007-06-22
SMGP3_0\SMGPPack.cs 3924 2007-06-25
SMGP3_0\SMGPTLV.cs 3776 2007-06-25
SMGP3_0 0 2007-07-24
SMPP\bin\Debug\SMPP.dll 28672 2007-07-24
SMPP\bin\Debug\SMPP.pdb 110080 2007-07-24
SMPP\bin\Debug 0 2007-06-18
SMPP\bin 0 2007-06-28
SMPP\ 7881 2007-06-30
SMPP\MessagePack.cs 3616 2007-06-26
SMPP\obj\Debug\Refactor\SMPP.dll 20480 2007-06-28
SMPP\obj\Debug\Refactor 0 2007-06-28
SMPP\obj\Debug\SMPP.dll 28672 2007-07-24
SMPP\obj\Debug\SMPP.pdb 110080 2007-07-24
SMPP\obj\Debug\TempPE 0 2007-06-18
SMPP\obj\Debug 0 2007-07-24
SMPP\obj\SMPP.csproj.FileList.txt 122 2007-07-24
SMPP\obj 0 2007-06-18
SMPP\Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs 1311 2007-06-18
SMPP\Properties 0 2007-06-18
SMPP\SMPP.csproj 3001 2007-06-30
SMPP\Variable\Binary.cs 1720 2007-06-22
SMPP\Variable\CString.cs 2210 2007-06-21
SMPP\Variable\CVARString.cs 2057 2007-06-21
SMPP\Variable\Encoding.cs 881 2007-06-20
SMPP\Variable\Integer16.cs 972 2007-06-22
SMPP\Variable\Integer32.cs 972 2007-06-22
SMPP\Variable\Integer64.cs 972 2007-06-22
SMPP\Variable\Integer8.cs 838 2007-06-19
SMPP\Variable\Number.cs 1244 2007-06-25
SMPP\Variable\String.cs 1767 2007-06-26
SMPP\Variable\TLV.cs 1724 2007-07-24
SMPP\Variable\TLVBinary.cs 625 2007-06-25
SMPP\Variable\TLVInt16.cs 529 2007-06-25
SMPP\Variable\TLVInt32.cs 532 2007-06-26
SMPP\Variable\TLVInt64.cs 532 2007-06-25
SMPP\Variable\TLVInt8.cs 522 2007-06-25
SMPP\Variable\TLVString.cs 999 2007-06-25
SMPP\Variable\TLVVARBinary.cs 642 2007-06-25
SMPP\Variable\TLVVARString.cs 928 2007-06-25
SMPP\Variable\VARBinary.cs 1954 2007-06-23
SMPP\Variable\Variable.cs 1840 2007-06-22
SMPP\Variable\VARString.cs 2780 2007-06-22
SMPP\Variable 0 2007-07-24
SMPP 0 2007-06-30
TestSMGP\bin\Debug\CSocket.dll 36864 2007-07-09
TestSMGP\bin\Debug\Gateway.dll 16384 2007-07-14
TestSMGP\bin\Debug\Gateway.pdb 28160 2007-07-14
TestSMGP\bin\Debug\Public.dll 24576 2007-05-15
TestSMGP\bin\Debug\SMGP3_0.dll 40960 2007-07-24
TestSMGP\bin\Debug\SMGP3_0.pdb 110080 2007-07-24
TestSMGP\bin\Debug\SMPP.dll 28672 2007-07-24
TestSMGP\bin\Debug\SMPP.pdb 110080 2007-07-24
TestSMGP\bin\Debug\TestSMGP.exe 28672 2007-07-24
TestSMGP\bin\Debug\TestSMGP.pdb 30208 2007-07-24
TestSMGP\bin\Debug\TestSMGP.vshost.exe 5632 2005-11-11
TestSMGP\bin\Debug 0 2007-07-14
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