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  • Category : VHDL-FPGA-Verilog
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  • Update : 2018-01-25
  • Size : 361kb
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  • Author :A1b***
  • About : Nobody
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Calendar FPGA digital tube display, based on reality, and the date of the time
Packet file list
(Preview for download)
SMG 0 2018-01-23
SMG\.qsys_edit 0 2017-12-04
SMG\.qsys_edit\filters.xml 66 2017-11-09
SMG\.qsys_edit\preferences.xml 493 2017-11-09
SMG\cnt_time.v 2028 2017-11-09
SMG\cnt_time.v.bak 13 2017-11-01
SMG\cnt_time.vPreview 84109 2017-11-09
SMG\db 0 2018-01-23
SMG\db\add_sub_lkc.tdf 1731 2017-11-01
SMG\db\add_sub_mkc.tdf 1876 2017-11-01
SMG\db\alt_u_div_23f.tdf 46221 2017-11-14
SMG\db\alt_u_div_gve.tdf 5566 2017-11-09
SMG\db\alt_u_div_i5f.tdf 47945 2017-11-14
SMG\db\alt_u_div_kve.tdf 7597 2017-11-09
SMG\db\alt_u_div_mve.tdf 8658 2017-11-14
SMG\db\alt_u_div_o2f.tdf 37871 2017-11-01
SMG\db\alt_u_div_u2f.tdf 42856 2017-11-14
SMG\db\logic_util_heursitic.dat 141284 2017-11-23
SMG\db\lpm_divide_05m.tdf 1932 2017-11-09
SMG\db\lpm_divide_0dm.tdf 1935 2017-11-14
SMG\db\lpm_divide_25m.tdf 1926 2017-11-09
SMG\db\lpm_divide_hem.tdf 1942 2017-11-01
SMG\db\lpm_divide_k6m.tdf 1932 2017-11-01
SMG\db\lpm_divide_kem.tdf 1934 2017-11-14
SMG\db\lpm_divide_n6m.tdf 1940 2017-11-14
SMG\db\lpm_divide_p6m.tdf 1940 2017-11-14
SMG\db\lpm_divide_tcm.tdf 1928 2017-11-09
SMG\db\lpm_divide_ufm.tdf 1943 2017-11-14
SMG\db\lpm_divide_vcm.tdf 1935 2017-11-09
SMG\db\prev_cmp_SMG.qmsg 140302 2017-11-23
SMG\db\sign_div_unsign_0mh.tdf 2061 2017-11-14
SMG\db\sign_div_unsign_7kh.tdf 2052 2017-11-09
SMG\db\sign_div_unsign_8nh.tdf 2062 2017-11-14
SMG\db\sign_div_unsign_9kh.tdf 2053 2017-11-09
SMG\db\sign_div_unsign_akh.tdf 2053 2017-11-14
SMG\db\sign_div_unsign_rlh.tdf 2061 2017-11-01
SMG\db\sign_div_unsign_ulh.tdf 2061 2017-11-14
SMG\db\SMG.db_info 140 2018-01-23
SMG\db\SMG.ipinfo 163 2018-01-23
SMG\db\SMG.sld_design_entry.sci 277 2018-01-23
SMG\incremental_db 0 2017-12-04
SMG\incremental_db\compiled_partitions 0 2018-01-22
SMG\incremental_db\compiled_partitions\SMG.db_info 140 2018-01-22
SMG\incremental_db\compiled_partitions\SMG.root_partition.cmp.dfp 33 2017-11-23
SMG\incremental_db\compiled_partitions\SMG.root_partition.cmp.kpt 204 2017-11-23
SMG\incremental_db\compiled_partitions\SMG.root_partition.cmp.logdb 4 2017-11-23
SMG\incremental_db\compiled_partitions\ 849 2017-11-23
SMG\incremental_db\compiled_partitions\ 3621 2017-11-23
SMG\incremental_db\README 653 2017-10-31
SMG\led_display.v 5030 2017-11-23
SMG\led_display.v.bak 3170 2017-11-14
SMG\led_display.vPreview 41059 2017-11-25
SMG\simulation 0 2017-12-04
SMG\simulation\modelsim 0 2017-12-04
SMG\simulation\modelsim\SMG.sft 149 2017-10-31
SMG\simulation\modelsim\SMG.vo 22558 2017-10-31
SMG\simulation\modelsim\SMG_fast.vo 22563 2017-10-31
SMG\simulation\modelsim\SMG_modelsim.xrf 946 2017-10-31
SMG\simulation\modelsim\SMG_v.sdo 4425 2017-10-31
SMG\simulation\modelsim\SMG_v_fast.sdo 4425 2017-10-31
SMG\SMG.asm.rpt 7202 2017-11-23
SMG\SMG.cdf 304 2017-11-23
SMG\SMG.done 26 2017-11-23
SMG\SMG.eda.rpt 2669 2017-11-14
SMG\ 302589 2017-11-23
SMG\ 513 2017-11-23
SMG\ 603 2017-11-23
SMG\SMG.flow.rpt 7778 2017-11-23
SMG\ 111116 2017-11-23
SMG\ 128 2017-11-16
SMG\ 464 2017-11-23
SMG\ 27093 2017-11-23
SMG\SMG.pof 524482 2017-11-23
SMG\SMG.qpf 1272 2017-10-31
SMG\SMG.qsf 4660 2018-01-22
SMG\SMG.qws 714 2018-01-23
SMG\SMG.sdc 1161 2017-10-31
SMG\SMG.sof 240783 2017-11-23
SMG\SMG.sta.rpt 254409 2017-11-23
SMG\SMG.sta.summary 1267 2017-11-23
SMG\SMG.v 1847 2017-11-23
SMG\SMG.v.bak 1 2017-10-31
SMG\SMG.vPreview 55243 2017-11-01
SMG\SMG_assignment_defaults.qdf 47537 2018-01-22
SMG\SMG_nativelink_simulation.rpt 2557 2017-10-31
SMG\timer.v 3991 2017-11-23
SMG\timer.v.bak 2576 2017-11-14
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