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  • Category : VHDL-FPGA-Verilog
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  • Update : 2018-01-31
  • Size : 388kb
  • Downloaded :0次
  • Author :igor****
  • About : Nobody
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vhdl 1602 lcd with temperature sensor (one wire)
Packet file list
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temp\.qsys_edit\filters.xml 66 2017-08-17
temp\.qsys_edit\preferences.xml 493 2017-08-17
temp\CGROM.asm.rpt 7232 2017-10-17
temp\CGROM.cdf 336 2017-10-17
temp\CGROM.done 26 2017-10-17
temp\ 294769 2017-10-17
temp\ 456 2017-10-17
temp\ 421 2017-10-17
temp\CGROM.flow.rpt 7200 2017-10-17
temp\CGROM.jdi 223 2017-10-17
temp\ 111902 2017-10-17
temp\ 329 2017-10-17
temp\ 20008 2017-10-17
temp\CGROM.pof 131293 2017-10-17
temp\CGROM.qpf 904 2010-02-07
temp\CGROM.qsf 3676 2017-10-20
temp\CGROM.qws 686 2017-12-14
temp\CGROM.sim.rpt 23635 2010-02-07
temp\CGROM.sof 74406 2017-10-17
temp\CGROM.sta.rpt 292686 2017-10-17
temp\CGROM.sta.summary 1859 2017-10-17
temp\CGROM.tan.rpt 76838 2013-01-31
temp\CGROM.tan.summary 1472 2013-01-31
temp\CGROM.vhd 19510 2017-10-17
temp\CGROM.vhd.bak 5915 2012-07-17
temp\CGROM.vwf 17142 2010-02-07
temp\CGROM_assignment_defaults.qdf 54859 2013-05-08
temp\convers.vhd.bak 700 2017-08-16
temp\db\.cmp.kpt 206 2017-10-17
temp\db\abs_divider_7ag.tdf 3345 2017-10-17
temp\db\abs_divider_aag.tdf 3234 2017-10-17
temp\db\abs_divider_gbg.tdf 3383 2017-10-17
temp\db\abs_divider_hbg.tdf 3419 2017-08-18
temp\db\abs_divider_ibg.tdf 3419 2017-10-17
temp\db\abs_divider_jbg.tdf 3423 2017-10-17
temp\db\abs_divider_scg.tdf 3283 2017-10-17
temp\db\abs_divider_ucg.tdf 3338 2017-08-18
temp\db\add_sub_15f.tdf 3033 2017-10-17
temp\db\add_sub_3dc.tdf 1728 2017-10-17
temp\db\add_sub_4dc.tdf 1873 2017-10-17
temp\db\add_sub_5dc.tdf 2143 2017-10-17
temp\db\add_sub_6dc.tdf 2300 2017-10-17
temp\db\add_sub_7dc.tdf 2457 2017-10-17
temp\db\add_sub_8dc.tdf 2614 2017-10-17
temp\db\add_sub_9dc.tdf 2771 2017-10-17
temp\db\add_sub_a6f.tdf 3349 2017-10-17
temp\db\add_sub_adc.tdf 2928 2017-10-17
temp\db\add_sub_b6f.tdf 3523 2017-08-18
temp\db\add_sub_bdc.tdf 3085 2017-10-17
temp\db\add_sub_c6f.tdf 3694 2017-10-17
temp\db\add_sub_jec.tdf 3244 2017-10-17
temp\db\add_sub_kec.tdf 3419 2017-08-18
temp\db\add_sub_lec.tdf 3590 2017-08-18
temp\db\add_sub_t3c.tdf 1825 2017-10-17
temp\db\add_sub_t4f.tdf 2405 2017-10-17
temp\db\add_sub_u3c.tdf 1970 2017-10-17
temp\db\add_sub_u4f.tdf 2562 2017-10-17
temp\db\altsyncram_0i14.tdf 13743 2017-08-11
temp\db\altsyncram_2i14.tdf 18030 2017-08-10
temp\db\altsyncram_2l14.tdf 22455 2017-08-16
temp\db\altsyncram_4i14.tdf 13749 2017-08-11
temp\db\altsyncram_5i14.tdf 18030 2017-08-17
temp\db\altsyncram_6i14.tdf 30894 2017-08-10
temp\db\altsyncram_7i14.tdf 23937 2017-08-11
temp\db\altsyncram_8i14.tdf 14827 2017-08-11
temp\db\altsyncram_9i14.tdf 39630 2017-08-16
temp\db\altsyncram_af14.tdf 13661 2017-08-10
temp\db\altsyncram_ai14.tdf 27750 2017-08-18
temp\db\altsyncram_bi14.tdf 28830 2017-08-18
temp\db\altsyncram_cf14.tdf 13693 2017-08-11
temp\db\altsyncram_ci14.tdf 22350 2017-08-16
temp\db\altsyncram_ef14.tdf 13693 2017-08-18
temp\db\altsyncram_gi14.tdf 24510 2017-08-18
temp\db\altsyncram_se14.tdf 6176 2017-08-10
temp\db\alt_u_div_0re.tdf 12734 2017-10-17
temp\db\alt_u_div_2fe.tdf 10355 2017-10-17
temp\db\alt_u_div_8fe.tdf 11866 2017-10-17
temp\db\alt_u_div_8oe.tdf 8775 2017-10-17
temp\db\alt_u_div_cke.tdf 15975 2017-10-17
temp\db\alt_u_div_eoe.tdf 10448 2017-10-17
temp\db\alt_u_div_foe.tdf 10960 2017-08-18
temp\db\alt_u_div_goe.tdf 11613 2017-08-17
temp\db\alt_u_div_ioe.tdf 12161 2017-08-18
temp\db\alt_u_div_ite.tdf 14124 2017-10-17
temp\db\alt_u_div_khe.tdf 12809 2017-10-17
temp\db\alt_u_div_mhe.tdf 14827 2017-10-17
temp\db\alt_u_div_mte.tdf 16342 2017-08-18
temp\db\alt_u_div_oqe.tdf 9941 2017-08-18
temp\db\alt_u_div_ote.tdf 17933 2017-08-18
temp\db\alt_u_div_qhe.tdf 14664 2017-10-17
temp\db\alt_u_div_qqe.tdf 10629 2017-10-17
temp\db\alt_u_div_sqe.tdf 11674 2017-08-18
temp\db\alt_u_div_tqe.tdf 11951 2017-10-17
temp\db\alt_u_div_une.tdf 5119 2017-08-18
temp\db\CGROM.db_info 155 2017-12-14
temp\db\CGROM.ipinfo 178 2017-12-14
temp\db\CGROM.sim_ori.vwf 16596 2010-02-07
temp\db\CGROM.sld_design_entry.sci 217 2017-12-14
temp\db\CGROM_partition_pins.json 1238 2017-10-17
temp\db\cmpr_j4c.tdf 1679 2017-08-18
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