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  • Category : WEB Code
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  • Update : 2018-02-11
  • Size : 7.41mb
  • Downloaded :0次
  • Author :紫*****
  • About : Nobody
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Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
Instructions: 1. upload to space can be used 2. all the video is automatically updated, without any manual operation, the lazy people are necessary. 3. to modify the advertising please login to the background, the background address http:// domain name /admin default user name: admin Password: admin The free version can modify part of the ad, and the authorized user can modify all the ads.
Packet file list
(Preview for download)
WWW\admin\admincore.php 3145 2017-07-16
WWW\admin\config.php 320 2017-07-16
WWW\admin\foot.php 267 2017-08-21
WWW\admin\head.php 528 2017-08-21
WWW\admin\images\adminlogo1.png 5498 2017-07-05
WWW\admin\images\woaik.css 3986 2017-07-05
WWW\admin\inc.php 293 2017-08-21
WWW\admin\index.php 2568 2017-07-27
WWW\admin\js\jquery-1.9.1.min.js 92629 2017-05-17
WWW\admin\js\jquery.dragsort-0.4.min.js 7664 2017-05-17
WWW\admin\login.php 4577 2017-08-21
WWW\admin\setting.php 10832 2017-08-21
WWW\app\css\down.css 3969 2017-07-24
WWW\app\images\1.png 3153 2017-07-24
WWW\app\images\2.png 163076 2017-07-24
WWW\app\images\231.png 5843 2017-07-24
WWW\app\images\3.png 17524 2017-07-24
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WWW\app\images\t01ed2d8781d4a1a469.jpg 125553 2017-07-24
WWW\app\index.html 3016 2017-07-24
WWW\app\js\down.js 97551 2017-07-24
WWW\app\小虎影院.apk 6684834 2017-07-24
WWW\css\dongman.css 10419 2017-07-05
WWW\css\down.css 3969 2017-07-01
WWW\css\img\lazy.gif 3762 2017-07-01
WWW\css\index.css 11936 2017-07-05
WWW\css\loading.gif 10362 2017-07-24
WWW\css\loading388.gif 9876 2017-07-24
WWW\css\movie.css 10476 2017-07-05
WWW\css\play.css 3218 2017-07-24
WWW\css\style.css 59161 2017-07-06
WWW\css\tv.css 10413 2017-07-05
WWW\data\bangdan.php 762 2017-07-01
WWW\data\dyjx.php 1766 2017-07-01
WWW\data\dyjx1.php 2159 2017-07-01
WWW\data\like.php 1104 2017-07-01
WWW\data\list.php 1259 2017-07-01
WWW\data\tvjx.php 2343 2017-07-01
WWW\dongman.php 5046 2017-07-25
WWW\favicon.ico 1150 2015-03-10
WWW\fenlei.php 2221 2017-07-16
WWW\fonts\icomoon.eot 1460 2017-07-01
WWW\fonts\icomoon.svg 1130 2017-07-01
WWW\fonts\icomoon.ttf 1296 2017-07-01
WWW\fonts\icomoon.woff 1372 2017-07-01
WWW\footer.php 2242 2017-08-21
WWW\header.php 2036 2017-08-21
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WWW\images\favicon.ico 1150 2015-03-10
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WWW\images\index.png 11120 2017-07-01
WWW\images\jiazai.png 385840 2017-08-10
WWW\images\logo.png 10273 2016-03-23
WWW\images\mai.png 104322 2017-08-10
WWW\images\preview_large.jpg 28805 2015-10-03
WWW\images\qrcode.png 50578 2017-07-01
WWW\images\sologo.png 9577 2017-07-24
WWW\images\tubiao.png 6058 2017-07-01
WWW\images\video.png 7130 2017-07-01
WWW\images\wx.png 15740 2017-07-24
WWW\images\zfb.png 25710 2017-07-24
WWW\inc\aik.config.php 3496 2017-08-21
WWW\index.php 4630 2017-07-23
WWW\jiazai.php 425 2017-07-16
WWW\js\down.js 97551 2017-07-01
WWW\js\home.js 67480 2017-07-01
WWW\js\html5.js 2252 2017-07-01
WWW\js\jq.js 14923 2017-07-01
WWW\js\jquery.js 94844 2017-07-01
WWW\js\main.js 67446 2017-07-01
WWW\js\touchslider.js 26405 2017-07-01
WWW\jx\foot.php 1010 2016-12-21
WWW\jx\img\bj.png 255 2016-12-21
WWW\jx\index.php 4874 2017-07-24
WWW\jx\ini.php 805 2016-12-21
WWW\jx\public\css\jquery-1.7.2.min.js 94843 2016-12-21
WWW\jx\public\css\main.css 2912 2016-12-21
WWW\jx\public\js\jquery-1.7.2.min.js 94843 2016-12-21
WWW\jx\public\vip_js\ckplayer.js 52452 2016-12-21
WWW\jx\public\vip_js\index.htm 3015 2016-12-21
WWW\jx\public\vip_js\jquery.min.js 94843 2016-12-21
WWW\jx\说明.txt 265 2016-12-21
WWW\list.php 1882 2017-07-16
WWW\logo.png 10273 2016-03-23
WWW\movie.php 5268 2017-07-25
WWW\play.php 12518 2017-07-26
WWW\preview_large.jpg 28805 2015-10-03
WWW\seacher.php 3651 2017-07-16
WWW\sidebar.php 1095 2017-07-26
WWW\tv.php 5111 2017-07-25
WWW\zhibo.php 1817 2017-07-16
WWW\zongyi.php 5053 2017-07-25
WWW\使用说明.txt 482 2017-08-21
WWW\jx\public\css 0 2017-08-21
Related instructions
  • We are an exchange download platform that only provides communication channels. The downloaded content comes from the internet. Except for download issues, please Google on your own.
  • The downloaded content is provided for members to upload. If it unintentionally infringes on your copyright, please contact us.
  • Please use Winrar for decompression tools
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  • If downloaded content did not match the introduction, Feedback to us,Confirm and will be refund.
  • Before downloading, you can inquire through the uploaded person information


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