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  • Category : CSharp
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  • Update : 2018-02-20
  • Size : 2.18mb
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  • Author :fjt***
  • About : Nobody
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book system based on c#,database:sqlserver
Packet file list
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Bll 0 2014-07-25
Bll\AdminTable.cs 719 2014-07-14
Bll\Bll.csproj 3460 2014-07-25
Bll\BookTable.cs 680 2014-07-17
Bll\BorTable.cs.cs 678 2014-07-09
Bll\BorrowTable.cs 845 2014-07-16
Bll\CategoryTable.cs 891 2014-07-16
Bll\LnventoryTable.cs 738 2014-07-09
Bll\PressTable.cs 876 2014-07-16
Bll\Properties 0 2014-07-25
Bll\Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs 1344 2014-07-09
Bll\ReadersTable.cs 727 2014-07-11
Bll\bin 0 2014-07-24
Bll\bin\Debug 0 2014-07-25
Bll\bin\Debug\Bll.dll 7168 2014-07-25
Bll\bin\Debug\Bll.pdb 34304 2014-07-25
Bll\bin\Debug\DBUtility.dll 6144 2014-07-25
Bll\bin\Debug\DBUtility.pdb 13824 2014-07-25
Bll\bin\Debug\Dal.dll 15872 2014-07-25
Bll\bin\Debug\Dal.pdb 38400 2014-07-25
Bll\bin\Debug\Model.dll 44032 2014-07-25
Bll\bin\Debug\Model.pdb 77312 2014-07-25
Bll\obj 0 2014-07-24
Bll\obj\Debug 0 2014-07-25
Bll\obj\Debug\Bll.csproj.FileListAbsolute.txt 6228 2014-07-25
Bll\obj\Debug\Bll.csprojResolveAssemblyReference.cache 12765 2014-07-25
Bll\obj\Debug\Bll.dll 7168 2014-07-25
Bll\obj\Debug\Bll.pdb 34304 2014-07-25
Bll\obj\Debug\DesignTimeResolveAssemblyReferencesInput.cache 6306 2014-07-25
Bll\obj\Debug\Refactor 0 2014-07-25
Bll\obj\Debug\Refactor\Bll.dll 5120 2014-07-18
Bll\obj\Debug\ResolveAssemblyReference.cache 26955 2014-07-24
Bll\obj\Debug\TempPE 0 2014-07-25
DBUtility 0 2014-07-25
DBUtility\DBUtility.csproj 2629 2014-07-25
DBUtility\Properties 0 2014-07-25
DBUtility\Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs 1356 2014-07-09
DBUtility\SqlServerDbHelper.cs 3056 2014-07-25
DBUtility\bin 0 2014-07-24
DBUtility\bin\Debug 0 2014-07-25
DBUtility\bin\Debug\DBUtility.dll 6144 2014-07-25
DBUtility\bin\Debug\DBUtility.pdb 13824 2014-07-25
DBUtility\obj 0 2014-07-24
DBUtility\obj\Debug 0 2014-07-25
DBUtility\obj\Debug\DBUtility.csproj.FileListAbsolute.txt 3034 2014-07-25
DBUtility\obj\Debug\DBUtility.dll 6144 2014-07-25
DBUtility\obj\Debug\DBUtility.pdb 13824 2014-07-25
DBUtility\obj\Debug\DesignTimeResolveAssemblyReferencesInput.cache 5932 2014-07-25
DBUtility\obj\Debug\Refactor 0 2014-07-25
DBUtility\obj\Debug\Refactor\DBUtility.dll 3584 2014-07-18
DBUtility\obj\Debug\TempPE 0 2014-07-25
DB_51aspx 0 2014-07-25
DB_51aspx\图书管理系统.mdf 3145728 2014-07-25
DB_51aspx\图书管理系统_log.ldf 1048576 2014-07-25
Dal 0 2014-07-25
Dal\AdminTable.cs 2344 2014-07-14
Dal\BookTable.cs 3549 2014-07-17
Dal\BorTable.cs.cs 2343 2014-07-16
Dal\BorrowTable.cs 3112 2014-07-17
Dal\CategoryTable.cs 1889 2014-07-16
Dal\Dal.csproj 3294 2014-07-25
Dal\LnventoryTable.cs 2292 2014-07-09
Dal\PressTable.cs 2168 2014-07-16
Dal\Properties 0 2014-07-25
Dal\Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs 1344 2014-07-09
Dal\ReadersTable.cs 1675 2014-07-11
Dal\bin 0 2014-07-24
Dal\bin\Debug 0 2014-07-25
Dal\bin\Debug\DBUtility.dll 6144 2014-07-25
Dal\bin\Debug\DBUtility.pdb 13824 2014-07-25
Dal\bin\Debug\Dal.dll 15872 2014-07-25
Dal\bin\Debug\Dal.pdb 38400 2014-07-25
Dal\bin\Debug\Model.dll 44032 2014-07-25
Dal\bin\Debug\Model.pdb 77312 2014-07-25
Dal\obj 0 2014-07-24
Dal\obj\Debug 0 2014-07-25
Dal\obj\Debug\Dal.csproj.FileListAbsolute.txt 5140 2014-07-25
Dal\obj\Debug\Dal.csprojResolveAssemblyReference.cache 9301 2014-07-25
Dal\obj\Debug\Dal.dll 15872 2014-07-25
Dal\obj\Debug\Dal.pdb 38400 2014-07-25
Dal\obj\Debug\DesignTimeResolveAssemblyReferencesInput.cache 6183 2014-07-25
Dal\obj\Debug\Refactor 0 2014-07-25
Dal\obj\Debug\Refactor\Dal.dll 4608 2014-07-18
Dal\obj\Debug\ResolveAssemblyReference.cache 17930 2014-07-24
Dal\obj\Debug\TempPE 0 2014-07-25
Model 0 2014-07-25
Model\AdminTable.cs 381 2014-07-14
Model\BookTable.cs 681 2014-07-18
Model\BorTable.cs 426 2014-07-09
Model\BorrowTable.cs 524 2014-07-16
Model\CategoryTable.cs 245 2014-07-11
Model\LnventoryTable.cs 416 2014-07-09
Model\Model.csproj 4080 2014-07-25
Model\PressTable.cs 322 2014-07-11
Model\Properties 0 2014-07-25
Model\Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs 1348 2014-07-09
Model\Properties\Settings.Designer.cs 1689 2014-07-25
Model\Properties\Settings.settings 1006 2014-07-14
Model\ReadersTable.cs 245 2014-07-11
Model\app.config 376 2014-07-25
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