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  • Update : 2018-02-26
  • Size : 7.21mb
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Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
A Minecraft skin station developed with the laravel framework
Packet file list
(Preview for download)
.env.example 1934 2018-02-09
.htaccess 166 2017-11-09 4781 2018-02-10 6208 2018-02-10
index.php 818 2018-02-24
web.config 1123 2018-02-16
app\helpers.php 13288 2018-02-24
routes\setup.php 832 2017-11-09
routes\static.php 1521 2017-11-09
routes\web.php 4943 2018-02-16
vendor\autoload.php 178 2018-02-25
config\app.php 9410 2018-02-24
config\cache.php 2226 2017-11-09
config\compile.php 983 2017-11-09
config\database.php 4007 2017-11-09
config\datatables.php 1123 2017-11-09
config\filesystems.php 2378 2017-12-30
config\locales.php 542 2018-02-22
config\mail.php 3967 2017-11-09
config\menu.php 1684 2018-02-23
config\options.php 1863 2018-02-24
config\queue.php 2465 2017-11-09
config\secure.php 385 2017-11-09
config\session.php 5753 2017-11-09
config\view.php 1020 2017-11-09
bootstrap\app.php 1602 2017-11-09
bootstrap\autoload.php 1439 2018-02-24
bootstrap\kernel.php 631 2017-11-09
database\factories\ClosetModelFactory.php 225 2017-11-09
database\factories\PlayerModelFactory.php 599 2017-11-09
database\factories\TextureModelFactory.php 1228 2017-11-09
database\factories\UserModelFactory.php 1800 2017-11-09
database\update_scripts\update-3.0.1-to-3.0.2.php 409 2017-11-09
database\update_scripts\update-3.0.3-to-3.0.4.php 274 2017-11-09
database\update_scripts\update-3.1-to-3.1.1.php 537 2017-11-09
database\update_scripts\update-3.1.2-to-3.2.0.php 694 2018-02-16
database\update_scripts\update-3.3.2-to-3.4.0.php 415 2018-02-24
database\migrations\2016_11_18_133939_create_all_tables.php 2263 2017-11-09
database\migrations\2016_11_18_134542_import_options.php 798 2017-11-09
app\Console\Kernel.php 717 2017-11-09
app\Events\CheckPlayerExists.php 308 2018-02-16
app\Events\ConfigureAdminMenu.php 321 2018-02-16
app\Events\ConfigureRoutes.php 325 2018-02-16
app\Events\ConfigureUserMenu.php 320 2018-02-16
app\Events\EncryptUserPassword.php 415 2018-02-16
app\Events\Event.php 62 2017-11-09
app\Events\GetAvatarPreview.php 410 2018-02-16
app\Events\GetPlayerJson.php 493 2018-02-16
app\Events\GetSkinPreview.php 408 2018-02-16
app\Events\PlayerProfileUpdated.php 322 2018-02-16
app\Events\PlayerWasAdded.php 316 2018-02-16
app\Events\PlayerWasDeleted.php 307 2018-02-16
app\Events\PlayerWillBeAdded.php 308 2018-02-16
app\Events\PlayerWillBeDeleted.php 321 2018-02-16
app\Events\PluginWasDeleted.php 320 2018-02-16
app\Events\PluginWasDisabled.php 321 2018-02-16
app\Events\PluginWasEnabled.php 320 2018-02-16
app\Events\RenderingFooter.php 708 2018-02-16
app\Events\RenderingHeader.php 708 2018-02-16
app\Events\UserAuthenticated.php 303 2018-02-16
app\Events\UserLoggedIn.php 298 2018-02-16
app\Events\UserProfileUpdated.php 428 2018-02-16
app\Events\UserRegistered.php 300 2018-02-16
app\Events\UserTryToLogin.php 488 2018-02-16
app\Exceptions\Handler.php 3423 2018-02-16
app\Exceptions\PrettyPageException.php 671 2018-02-16
app\Http\Kernel.php 1603 2017-11-09
app\Models\Closet.php 6106 2018-02-24
app\Models\Player.php 7833 2018-02-23
app\Models\Texture.php 704 2018-02-23
app\Models\User.php 9109 2018-02-23
app\Providers\AppServiceProvider.php 2034 2018-02-24
app\Providers\BootServiceProvider.php 2777 2018-02-22
app\Providers\EventServiceProvider.php 639 2018-02-16
app\Providers\MemoryServiceProvider.php 442 2018-02-16
app\Providers\PluginServiceProvider.php 3127 2018-02-16
app\Providers\ResponseMacroServiceProvider.php 2242 2017-11-09
app\Providers\RouteServiceProvider.php 2578 2017-11-09
app\Providers\ValidatorExtendServiceProvider.php 1624 2017-11-09
app\Services\Hook.php 3142 2018-02-16
app\Services\Minecraft.php 9920 2018-02-16
app\Services\OptionForm.php 15306 2018-02-16
app\Services\Plugin.php 5221 2017-11-09
app\Services\PluginManager.php 6301 2017-12-30
app\Services\Utils.php 7624 2018-02-25
resources\views\index.tpl 6467 2018-02-23
storage\app\.gitignore 23 2017-11-09
storage\debugbar\.gitignore 13 2017-11-09
storage\framework\.gitignore 103 2017-11-09
storage\logs\.gitignore 14 2017-11-09
storage\patches\ 21061 2018-02-24
storage\testing\.gitignore 14 2017-12-30
vendor\bin\php-parse.bat 124 2017-01-14
vendor\bin\psysh.bat 113 2017-01-14
vendor\composer\ClassLoader.php 13420 2018-02-25
vendor\composer\autoload_classmap.php 54855 2018-02-25
vendor\composer\autoload_files.php 1245 2018-02-25
vendor\composer\autoload_namespaces.php 719 2018-02-25
vendor\composer\autoload_psr4.php 3587 2018-02-25
vendor\composer\autoload_real.php 2414 2018-02-25
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