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  • Category : VHDL-FPGA-Verilog
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  • Update : 2018-02-27
  • Size : 953kb
  • Downloaded :0次
  • Author :wanw*****
  • About : Nobody
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Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
A message trap in a random stream, written by Verilog, is used to record the number of "1" in a message. When the packet capture device detects the sequence of "1101" appearing in the random code stream, it is recognized as the header and begins to count the "1" in the subsequent official message, aiming at the development board of the AX516 system.
Packet file list
(Preview for download)
random_check\random_check.cmd_log 516 2017-11-01
random_check\random_check.gise 7470 2017-11-01
random_check\random_check.lso 6 2017-11-01
random_check\random_check.ngc 7015 2017-11-01
random_check\random_check.ngr 16162 2017-11-01
random_check\random_check.prj 31 2017-11-01
random_check\random_check.stx 0 2017-11-01
random_check\random_check.syr 17618 2017-11-01
random_check\random_check.v 3890 2017-11-01
random_check\random_check.xise 35694 2017-11-01
random_check\random_check.xst 1085 2017-11-01
random_check\random_check_envsettings.html 9357 2017-11-01
random_check\random_check_summary.html 5469 2017-11-01
random_check\random_check_xst.xrpt 13010 2017-11-01
random_check\tb_random_check.fdo 1336 2017-11-01
random_check\tb_random_check.udo 388 2017-11-01
random_check\tb_random_check.v 2111 2017-11-01
random_check\tb_random_check_wave.fdo 433 2017-11-01
random_check\transcript 1667 2017-11-01
random_check\vsim.wlf 65536 2017-11-01
random_check\webtalk_pn.xml 2874 2017-11-01
random_check\_xmsgs\pn_parser.xmsgs 782 2017-11-01
random_check\_xmsgs\xst.xmsgs 2288 2017-11-01
random_check\xst\work\work.sdbl 12949 2017-11-01
random_check\xst\work\work.sdbx 74 2017-11-01
random_check\work\_info 1456 2017-11-01
random_check\work\_vmake 26 2017-11-01
random_check\work\tb_random_check\_primary.dat 1898 2017-11-01
random_check\work\tb_random_check\_primary.dbs 4210 2017-11-01
random_check\work\tb_random_check\_primary.vhd 90 2017-11-01
random_check\work\random_check\_primary.dat 2869 2017-11-01
random_check\work\random_check\_primary.dbs 6442 2017-11-01
random_check\work\random_check\_primary.vhd 377 2017-11-01
random_check\work\glbl\_primary.dat 1229 2017-11-01
random_check\work\glbl\_primary.dbs 2178 2017-11-01
random_check\work\glbl\_primary.vhd 351 2017-11-01
random_check\work\@_opt\vopt0mz1ab 4289 2017-11-01
random_check\work\@_opt\vopt10mnfs 13824 2017-11-01
random_check\work\@_opt\vopt2iagwf 4693 2017-11-01
random_check\work\@_opt\vopt35my9b 10848 2017-11-01
random_check\work\@_opt\vopt54sacw 377 2017-11-01
random_check\work\@_opt\vopt6v8d92 1845979 2017-11-01
random_check\work\@_opt\vopt9ke7cw 6442 2017-11-01
random_check\work\@_opt\voptd444cw 2869 2017-11-01
random_check\work\@_opt\voptemmk9b 351 2017-11-01
random_check\work\@_opt\voptff96gs 90 2017-11-01
random_check\work\@_opt\voptgks1cw 460 2017-11-01
random_check\work\@_opt\vopti5bh9b 2178 2017-11-01
random_check\work\@_opt\voptjzy3gs 4210 2017-11-01
random_check\work\@_opt\voptk4fxbw 5415 2017-11-01
random_check\work\@_opt\voptmm0e9b 1229 2017-11-01
random_check\work\@_opt\voptqfk0gs 1898 2017-11-01
random_check\work\@_opt\voptqk4tbw 17424 2017-11-01
random_check\work\@_opt\vopts5na9b 708 2017-11-01
random_check\work\@_opt\voptszf8hq 1464 2017-11-01
random_check\work\@_opt\vopttz9wfs 724 2017-11-01
random_check\work\@_opt\voptvnmq5j 112048 2017-11-01
random_check\work\@_opt\voptyfzsfs 2343 2017-11-01
random_check\work\@_opt\voptyhgkch 378903 2017-11-01
random_check\work\@_opt\_deps 3430 2017-11-01
random_check\iseconfig\random_check.projectmgr 7708 2017-11-01
random_check\iseconfig\random_check.xreport 20804 2017-11-01
random_check\xst\dump.xst\random_check.prj 0 2017-11-01
random_check\xst\work 0 2017-11-01
random_check\xst\projnav.tmp 0 2017-11-01
random_check\xst\dump.xst 0 2017-11-01
random_check\work\_temp 0 2017-11-01
random_check\work\tb_random_check 0 2017-11-01
random_check\work\random_check 0 2017-11-01
random_check\work\glbl 0 2017-11-01
random_check\work\@_opt 0 2017-11-01
random_check\_xmsgs 0 2017-11-01
random_check\xst 0 2017-11-01
random_check\work 0 2017-11-01
random_check\iseconfig 0 2017-11-01
random_check\ipcore_dir 0 2017-11-01
random_check 0 2017-11-01
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