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  • Category : Other
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  • Update : 2018-03-06
  • Size : 24.12mb
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  • Author :wak***
  • About : Nobody
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Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
BQ20XZ95 power management
Packet file list
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Common\inc\irq.h 2466 2008-12-09
Common\inc\LPC214x.h 24967 2006-03-08
Common\inc\lpc214x.h.bak 24967 2006-03-08
Common\inc\mem_b.scf 832 2006-01-04
Common\inc\mem_c.scf 824 2006-01-04
Common\inc\target.h 1310 2006-02-08
Common\inc\timer.h 1025 2011-07-28
Common\inc\type.h 753 2005-11-22
Common\src\heap.s 733 2006-01-04
Common\src\irq.c 5389 2012-07-11
Common\src\stack.s 722 2006-01-04
Common\src\Startup.s 10771 2008-01-08
Common\src\Startup.s.backup 6543 2008-08-13
Common\src\swi_handler.s 3257 2006-01-04
Common\src\target.c 3663 2006-02-08
Common\src\timer.c 3344 2011-07-28
Flash\diejiaqi.d 381 2014-03-26
Flash\diejiaqi.o 4884 2014-03-26
Flash\ExtDll.iex 19 2014-04-08
Flash\extern_int.crf 20223 2016-06-22
Flash\extern_int.d 342 2016-06-22
Flash\extern_int.o 38716 2016-06-22
Flash\extern_int.__i 254 2016-06-22
Flash\flash_nvol.crf 19002 2016-06-22
Flash\flash_nvol.d 196 2016-06-22
Flash\flash_nvol.o 44436 2016-06-22
Flash\flash_nvol.__i 254 2016-06-22
Flash\i2c.crf 31098 2016-06-22
Flash\i2c.d 413 2016-06-22
Flash\i2c.o 45764 2016-06-22
Flash\i2c.__i 226 2016-06-22
Flash\irq.crf 11488 2016-06-22
Flash\irq.d 93 2016-06-22
Flash\irq.o 29140 2016-06-22
Flash\irq.__i 226 2016-06-22
Flash\key.crf 30205 2016-06-22
Flash\key.d 413 2016-06-22
Flash\key.o 42620 2016-06-22
Flash\key.__i 226 2016-06-22
Flash\main.crf 31257 2016-06-22
Flash\main.d 426 2016-06-22
Flash\main.o 46292 2016-06-22
Flash\main.__i 230 2016-06-22
Flash\pec.crf 253 2016-06-22
Flash\pec.d 22 2016-06-22
Flash\pec.o 6020 2016-06-22
Flash\pec.__i 226 2016-06-22
Flash\pwm.crf 30425 2016-06-22
Flash\pwm.d 438 2016-06-22
Flash\pwm.o 43900 2016-06-22
Flash\pwm.__i 226 2016-06-22
Flash\retarget.crf 14819 2016-06-22
Flash\retarget.d 189 2016-06-22
Flash\retarget.o 30452 2016-06-22
Flash\retarget.__i 246 2016-06-22
Flash\smbus.crf 5630 2015-04-21
Flash\smbus.d 183 2015-04-21
Flash\smbus.__i 234 2015-04-21
Flash\smi2c.crf 32524 2016-06-22
Flash\smi2c.d 439 2016-06-22
Flash\smi2c.o 53680 2016-06-22
Flash\smi2c.__i 234 2016-06-22
Flash\spi.crf 21159 2016-06-22
Flash\spi.d 265 2016-06-22
Flash\spi.o 40936 2016-06-22
Flash\spi.__i 226 2016-06-22
Flash\Startup.d 30 2016-06-22
Flash\Startup.o 2452 2016-06-22
Flash\startup._ia 194 2016-06-22
Flash\timer.crf 20343 2016-06-22
Flash\timer.d 235 2016-06-22
Flash\timer.o 40496 2016-06-22
Flash\timer.__i 234 2016-06-22
Flash\UART.axf 89012 2016-06-22
Flash\uart.bin 4792 2014-04-04
Flash\uart.crf 22235 2016-06-22
Flash\uart.d 276 2016-06-22
Flash\UART.hex 48987 2016-06-22
Flash\UART.htm 34575 2016-06-22
Flash\UART.lnp 540 2016-06-22
Flash\ 45827 2016-06-22
Flash\uart.o 43980 2016-06-22
Flash\UART.plg 154 2017-09-18
Flash\UART.sct 479 2014-12-15
Flash\UART.tra 1867 2016-06-22
Flash\uart.__i 230 2016-06-22
Flash\uarttest.crf 34757 2016-06-22
Flash\uarttest.d 478 2016-06-22
Flash\uarttest.o 57068 2016-06-22
Flash\uarttest.__i 246 2016-06-22
Flash\UART_sct.Bak 479 2014-04-08
OM10045\disclaimer.pdf 81141 2014-02-26
OM10045\LPC2131_32_34_36_38.pdf 390396 2014-02-26
OM10045\OM10045.jpg 286288 2014-02-26
OM10045\OM10045BlockDiagram.gif 107729 2014-02-26
OM10045\Schematic_OM10045.pdf 340648 2014-02-26
OM10045\UserManual_OM10045.docx 13261 2014-02-26
pad_烧写文件\pad_fetconV1.3.hex 48058 2016-04-28
pad_烧写文件\rv2700_400.dfi 1793 2016-04-27
所有文献 (zip)\002aab067.gif 26944 2014-01-04
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