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  • Update : 2018-03-10
  • Size : 3.18mb
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  • Author :kel***
  • About : Nobody
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Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
Use the shortest path algorithm to calculate the distance between two specific two points Input: read the file directly The first behavior is four integers N, M, S and T. Every two integers are separated by a space, representing the node of the network (number 1 to N), the number of network segments, and the origin and destination number. Next, M row, each row three integers U, V, D, each integer is separated by spaces, indicating that there is a line between nodes U and V, the distance is D, (there may be multiple lines in two nodes). Output: write directly to net.out file, output only one line, which indicates the shortest distance from S point to T point (if it doesn't connect, output -1) (N<=100, M<=N*N, D<=1000). Floyd-Warshall algorithm
Packet file list
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dist\Debug 0 2018-03-08
dist\Debug\dist.exe 96256 2018-03-04
dist\Debug\dist.ilk 684444 2018-03-04
dist\Debug\dist.pdb 1526784 2018-03-04
dist\dist.sdf 8323072 2018-03-04
dist\dist.sln 958 2018-03-03
dist\dist.v12.suo 20992 2018-03-04
dist\dist 0 2018-03-08
dist\dist\Debug 0 2018-03-08
dist\dist\Debug\dist.log 1444 2018-03-04
dist\dist\Debug\dist.obj 252725 2018-03-04
dist\dist\Debug\dist.tlog 0 2018-03-08
dist\dist\Debug\dist.tlog\cl.command.1.tlog 734 2018-03-04
dist\dist\Debug\dist.tlog\ 5648 2018-03-04
dist\dist\Debug\dist.tlog\CL.write.1.tlog 540 2018-03-04
dist\dist\Debug\dist.tlog\dist.lastbuildstate 180 2018-03-04
dist\dist\Debug\dist.tlog\link.command.1.tlog 1344 2018-03-04
dist\dist\Debug\dist.tlog\ 2624 2018-03-04
dist\dist\Debug\dist.tlog\link.write.1.tlog 518 2018-03-04
dist\dist\Debug\ 85 2018-03-03
dist\dist\Debug\ 3 2018-03-03
dist\dist\Debug\vc120.idb 322560 2018-03-04
dist\dist\Debug\vc120.pdb 421888 2018-03-04
dist\dist\dist.cpp 2816 2018-03-10
dist\dist\dist.vcxproj 4264 2018-03-04
dist\dist\dist.vcxproj.filters 945 2018-03-03
dist\dist\ 85 2018-03-03
dist\dist\ney.out 2 2018-03-04
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